"Poor monk...no...nothing..."

Liao Chan insisted, not wanting to be seen by the hidden guards, trying to cover up as much as possible while speaking.

But too eager to cover up, Liao Chan panicked and did not choose a method. Without thinking too much, he quickly mobilized his internal energy, trying to use his internal energy to suppress the surge of energy and blood in his body caused by the backlash of the demon.But the internal injury in Zen's body has just improved and stabilized. After this forced exercise, almost without accident, he injured himself again, and suddenly spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"Master Zen?" The dark guard was startled, and while helping Zen back to the room, he asked another dark guard to report to Xin Moge.


In Xin Moge and Feng Yu's room, the door was closed, the candles were still lit, and the room was still full of spring.

Under Xin Moge's repeated "demands", Feng Yu couldn't help but want to beg for mercy, and begged Xin Moge to let her go.

The knock on the door suddenly sounded untimely, especially in the silent night.

In the room, Feng Yu's body froze instantly on the bed.

Xin Moge's complexion turned ugly all of a sudden.

After a while.

Xin Moge's voice came from the room, with a hint of displeasure in the low voice, "What's the matter?"

"Young Master, Master Zen suddenly vomited blood." The dark guard immediately reported to the closed door, how could he fail to hear the displeasure in Xin Moge's voice.

Feng Yu was taken aback, after these days of treatment, Liao Chan's body was clearly much better and stabilized, why would he vomit blood?Could something be wrong?Thinking of this, Fengyu felt worried, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little anxious. She just wanted to get up and go over to have a look, and quickly pushed Xin Moge on her body, blushing and whispering: "Let me go."

Xin Moge frowned deeply, why there are always so many things, and they always pick at such a time.

"Quickly let go, do you hear..." Seeing that Xin Moge didn't move, Feng Yu whispered again.

Xin Moge said in Fengyu's ear with some anger: "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have looked for him, so what if I don't recover my martial arts, my husband is absolutely sure to protect you, and I will never let you suffer any more harm." Liao Zen tried to find a way to restore Feng Yu's martial arts, but he just wanted to make Feng Yu happy, because he knew she wanted to recover.But now, before his martial arts recovered, a lot of things had happened.

When Feng Yu heard this, she couldn't help but want to laugh immediately, just because someone interrupted her at this moment, he said such an angry thing.

The next moment, Feng Yu coaxed Xin Moge with a tone like coaxing a child: "Okay, okay, we would not have looked for him if we knew it earlier, but it is useless to regret it now, he helped us first, why not?" Let him have something to do. Besides, your father has already come. Let me go and have a look together. "

Xin Moge sighed, and kissed Feng Yu hard before letting go.

Feng Yu sat up with the quilt wrapped around her body, her whole body was sore, God knows she was also extremely upset at the moment, she just wanted to lie on the bed and sleep without moving.

Xin Moge went down to the ground first, picked up the scattered clothes on the ground, handed Feng Yu's to her, and quickly put them on himself.

After enduring the pain, Feng Yu got up and went to the ground, her feet went sore when she stepped on the ground, and she almost fell limp.

Xin Moge reached out to help Feng Yu at the right time, and personally took Feng Yu's cloak and put it on Feng Yu.

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