For Xin Moge, Feng Yu just ran into his arms all at once.

Xin Moge has always been obsessed with cleanliness, and he never likes to be close to others, but at this moment, facing Feng Yu who didn't hesitate to save him with his own life, for some reason, he didn't hate her approaching.

That soft and thin body seemed more like a woman, and there was a vague feeling of "deja vu".The faint fragrance was obviously clearer because of her embrace, and it overlapped with that night again, so there was no mistake.

In an instant, Xin Moge was basically sure that the person in his arms at this moment was the person of that night without a doubt!

Unexpectedly, Fengyu!In an instant, that too close distance, that aura that only belonged to a man, that strange but familiar chest, that breath that fell on the top of his head, that... unexpectedly flashed again in Feng Yu's mind In the scene in the gazebo that night, his face couldn't stop turning red, and he hurried forward a few steps to keep a distance from Xin Moge behind him. Ge broke free from his hand.But in order to conceal her strangeness and blush a moment ago, Feng Yu immediately turned to Hua Xunse and said angrily, "You are crazy, what are you doing?"

"I... I'm not because of the urgent time, I want him to let go quickly, good intentions will not be rewarded."

Hua Xunse quickly retorted, who would have thought that Feng Yu would stand in front of Xin Moge so recklessly, and was glad that he only used three parts of his strength, just wanting Xin Moge to let go.

The faint fragrance disappeared as Feng Yu left quickly, and Xin Moge quickly took a step forward after hearing the sound, ready to catch Feng Yu again.

Fengyu watched, hurriedly hid behind Hua Xunse, and then pushed Hua Xunse forward.

Hua Xunse was afraid that Xin Moge would catch Fengyu again and delay time, so she immediately protected Fengyu behind her like a hen guarding her chicks, and opened her hands to block Xin Moge who came forward, "Hey, I say you are enough!" Come on, don't go forward anymore, someone is really coming, if we don't leave, we will be arrested."

At this time, the old doctor who escaped from the cell before also ran in anxiously, stammering: "Yes...someone is here..."

Accompanied by the old doctor's words, the sound of approaching footsteps could be clearly heard in the silent cell, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the passage of the sky prison, and the sound entered my ears.

And from the sound of footsteps, it is not difficult to judge that there was only one person who came in, not like a jailer or a guard, because the footsteps of the jailer would not be so heavy, and the footsteps of the guards would not be so calm and depressing, full of anger.

Yes, it is anger!For some reason, Fengyu sensed this from the sound of footsteps.

The next moment, Feng Yu suddenly thought of Cang Yueyu!Could it be that Cang Yueyu is here?He knew she came here and he came in alone?

"Let's go, it's too late if you don't go." Hua Xunse heard the footsteps, said while pulling Fengyu up and walking towards the prison door, ready to take Fengyu away immediately!

The old doctor also wanted to leave, he still had his wife, children and grandchildren waiting for him at home, he didn't want to stay here to be arrested, he didn't want to stay here to wait for death, when Hua Xunse pulled Fengyu and passed by quickly He quickly grabbed Feng Yu's arm with both hands, and said anxiously: "Where is the old man?"

"Let go, after I take her out, I will come back to save you." Hua Xunse said obviously perfunctory and deceitful.

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