The secret guard quickly entered the room and followed Feng Yu's orders.

Fengyu ordered, got up and took the silver needle from the small desk, and began to inject needles on Zen's body.

Shangguan Feihong was always calm and calm, his eyes were not disturbed, and even his voice remained unchanged. After Xin Haoyan answered, he didn't care much and said: "If you don't know, then forget it, presumably He admitted to the wrong person, talking nonsense." After finishing speaking, Shangguan Feihong passed by Xin Haoyan and walked into the yard, not wanting to stand at the door all the time.

Xin Haoyan wanted to grab Shangguan Feihong's hand, but in the end he only caught a corner of his sleeve, and the sleeve slipped out of his hand all of a sudden.

At this time, a servant came to report and saw Fengyu in the room busy administering needles for Zen. He did not want to disturb him, so he reported to Xin Haoyan: "Prince Xin, there is a monk outside who claims to be a monk. I met Master Chan’s younger brother, and came to visit Master Zen, I wonder if he should be allowed in?” In just a few days, the entire Liwang Mansion seemed to have changed masters, completely under the control of Xin Moge, servants and maids No one dared to resist anything, and he didn't dare to sneak to the study to meet King Li, and let's live one day at a time.

Xin Haoyan temporarily suppressed all the doubts in his heart and the expression on his face, "Please come in."

"Yes." The servant took the order, immediately turned around and went down, leading Master Nan and a young monk to arrive in a short while.

The trouble was the abbot of the temple on Fengshan Mountain. Feng Yu and Xin Moge met once when they first went there, and he was brewing tea with Zen at that time.

A few days ago, when Feng Yu went there again, he found out about Chan's serious injury.Later, Liao Chan, who was seriously injured, was taken down the mountain by Feng Yu and brought to Li Wang's Mansion for treatment. He was always worried.Early this morning, a young monk who claimed to be a disciple of Zen, that is, the person next to him at the moment, came to the temple to find Zen, and after knowing everything, he asked him to lead the way to visit Liwangfu.He had already wanted to come, so he agreed immediately.

When it was difficult, he stood still, put his hands together and said to Xin Haoyan: "Benefactor."

Xin Haoyan nodded, "Master Lianan, Master Liaochan is in the room now, you can go in and see him later."

"Amitabha, thank you benefactor." Difficult to nod, waited patiently outside the door, fiddled with the Buddhist beads in his hands and silently recited Amitabha to pray for Zen.

The young monk, who claimed to be a disciple of Zen, stood beside him and waited, his eyes quietly taking in everything around him.Just a few days ago, he shaved off all the hair on his head, put on the clothes he was wearing at the moment, and waited in a nearby town according to Cang Yueyu's instructions. Once Xin Haoyan appeared, he went to see Nan, Lied to Nan that he was Zen's apprentice, so led by Nan to enter the Prince Li's mansion, and came to see Zen quietly.And before going to see Nan, he had sent a pigeon letter to the capital to secretly report to Cang Yueyu about Xin Haoyan's appearance.

About an hour later, Feng Yu and the dark guard came out.

When she saw the disaster outside the door, Feng Yu was slightly taken aback, and had a little impression that she had met once that day. As for the young monk next to the disaster, she was sure that she had never seen it before, so she answered politely: " It's hard to hold on."

"Benefactor, be polite. I don't know how brother Zen is now?" Liao Nan asked with concern.

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