Spoiling His Wife Too Much: The Miraculous Doctor, Princess Concubine

Chapter 1208 Stripped off, stay with him for one night 1

In Cang Yueli's room.

Cang Yueli, who had been sitting in the carriage for a long time, inevitably felt a little sore in his hands and feet.

The maid fetched water into the house and waited for Cang Yueli to wash.

After Cang Yue washed up, she asked the maid to step back.

The maid closed the door and went out.

Cang Yueli was still not sleepy, after flipping through the book for a while, he limped to the window, opened the window and looked out.

Outside the window, the moonlight was shining brightly, and it was clear that the soldiers were patrolling around downstairs and blocked the streets around the inn to prevent anyone from approaching.

A "treading" sound of horseshoes and the sound of wheels turning suddenly came from far and near, especially in the silent night.

Cang Yueli casually looked sideways following the voice, and saw a crude carriage slowly driving towards the empty street ahead.

The driver who was driving saw the soldiers blocking him, he quickly reined in his horse and stopped.

Su Zi, who was sitting in the car, felt that the carriage stopped suddenly, and opened the curtain in front of her suspiciously to look out.

Su Ran, Su Ke, Ge Mingqi and Ge Muyao also sat in the car together.

The cabin is not very spacious, it is a little crowded.

That night, among the civil and military officials who withdrew with Cang Yueyu, Su Hu, who was a minister of the court, was naturally among them.Taking advantage of no one's attention, Su Hu thought of a way to quietly pass the news to Ge Muyao in Ge's mansion. The purpose was to let Ge Muyao know about the situation, to be mentally prepared, and to protect and take good care of Su Ran as much as possible. He didn't want anything to happen to Su Ran. Of course, I don't want Su Zi to have something to do, but it's not easy to mention Su Zi's name directly between the lines. After all, Su Zi is just Su Ran's dowry maid on the surface.

After Ge Muyao received the news, he thought that the guards in the prison and the people sent by Cang Yueyu to the prison would most likely also retreat, so he did not stop doing anything, and resolutely decided to take advantage of this time to venture to the prison to rescue Ge Mingqi. Then he took Ge Mingqi and Su Ran to mix with the common people pouring out of the capital and left the city.

After leaving the city, they took great care along the way to avoid being discovered.

Tonight, I just passed through this city.

"What's going on?" Su Zi, who opened the curtain of the car, naturally saw the situation ahead, and couldn't help becoming more and more puzzled for a while.

The coachman shook his head, expressing that he didn't know, but what is certain is that there must be some important figures ahead, just looking at the battle, he knew that ordinary people like him could not be provoked, "It seems that the front is difficult We have no choice but to change the road and go to another street to find the inn.”

Su Zi nodded, and they kept a low profile as much as possible.

Ge Muyao and Ge Mingqi in the car had opened the small curtains on the left and right sides respectively when the coachman answered, and looked forward, wanting to see what was going on with their own eyes.

The matter between Su Ran and Ge Mingqi has been kept from Ge Muyao, neither of them said a word.Along the way, even though they were sitting in the same carriage, the distance between them was only one step, the two of them hardly spoke, and they didn't even look at each other.

Sitting by the window of the inn room, Cang Yueli, who was looking towards the carriage, narrowed his eyes suddenly when he saw Su Zi.That day, when he used Ge Mingqi as a threat to ask Su Ran to leave the city, Su Zi was by Su Ran's side, he had seen it before, of course he still remembered it.Afterwards, seeing Ge Mingqi and Ge Muyao respectively, the corners of Cang Yueli's lips could not help but twitch, they would really come to the door, "Come on, immediately surround that carriage, and no one in the carriage is allowed to let go." They run away."

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