"And, in the future, never...never mention this matter again. He is old. If Cang Yueyu knows that I saved Cang Yueli back then, and my father has been...concealing and deceiving him, he will definitely My father will not be spared. You promise...promise me."

"...Okay, I promise you."

Ge Mingqi also felt that Su Ran's body was getting colder, and he felt more and more that he was about to lose the person in his arms, so he nodded in agreement.

When Su Ran heard these words and Ge Mingqi agreed, she closed her eyes in relief.That's good, she can finally rest assured.Just now, she helped him up on the ground, and just wanted to leave with him silently. She didn't say anything because she was worried about what she was worried about before, and she was afraid that if he found out, he would threaten Su Hu with this matter. She couldn't take the risk .Cang Yueli's knife is really good, let Ge Mingqi owe her a life like this, she doesn't need to worry about the problems she was worried about before, and she doesn't need to persist anymore.She really wanted a break.

As for the relationship with Cang Yueli, what else do they have to say?Su Ran really couldn't remember.

And she can't stay, Su Hu has already retreated to Tangzhou City with Cang Yueyu, if she stays, getting involved with Feng Yu or anyone here will make Cang Yueyu suspicious of Su Hu, she must Gotta go, and fast.

"This...that's good, then I'm relieved. Anyway, that step is... I took it by myself, and I was sorry for my father first. If you... If you see my father, please turn around for me Tell him."

"No, if you have something to say, tell him yourself later, do you hear me? I won't pass it on for you, never!"

Su Ran gave a weak smile, her eyes could not be opened, her breath was weak, and she was dying, "Even if I beg you again, you promise me to help me pass on...you must help me pass on this sentence. Just say it, just say it to me No... I never really hated him, and I don't want him... I don't want anything to happen to him. Let him... let him take care of himself in the future, take care of himself... himself..." The last word card In the throat, he didn't spit it out several times, and the bloody hand covering Ge Mingqi's hand slid down into the blood pool beside him with a "bang".

"Well...but, wake up...wake up for me..." Ge Mingqi hastily shook Su Ran's icy body.

"Don't move." Feng Yu frowned, quickly stopped Ge Mingqi's movements, and then told the maidservant and hidden guard outside the door: "Go and prepare a clean empty room right away, and go to the room I just had to get the silver needles immediately." Also, let people go to the capital immediately overnight to see if there are any thousand-year-old people in the palace participating in the snow lotus. If there are any, send them over as soon as possible. If not, ask the prince to see if he can find them as soon as possible. .”

"Yes." The maidservant and the hidden guard outside the door took orders and immediately went to do it separately.

Feng Yu quickly looked away, and then said to Ge Mingqi: "Go, immediately take her to the room prepared by the maid, and I will give her an injection."

"She can still be saved?" Ge Mingqi was instantly delighted, even though he couldn't believe it, and even though Su Ran in his arms was almost breathless, there was at least one reason to deceive himself and others with such a sentence.

He didn't want her to die, he just wanted her to wake up and start over with her, did she know that?


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