During this journey, Shangguan Feihong was basically hugging her. She has been hugging her for a long time, so she must be tired too.

Shangguan Feihong shook his head lightly, worried that changing hands would wake Xiao Yun'er in his arms.

Seeing this, Feng Yu took her hand back.

Cang Yueli, who was not far away, also looked at the mansion and the plaque ahead, but no one knew that his peripheral vision had not moved away from Su Ran who was in Ge Mingqi's arms since the moment he got off the car.Regarding her injury and her current situation, he has been enduring, until now he still didn't ask a word, just like holding back to snatch her from Ge Mingqi's arms.Still the same sentence, her life is his, and the "account" between them has not been settled, so he will not allow her to die.After she wakes up, the road will still be long.

Ge Mingqi turned his head away, not looking at Cang Yueli.If possible, he just wanted to kill Cang Yueli directly.

When Su Ran wakes up, he will immediately take her away and start over.

"However, you must wake up, you know?" Ge Mingqi said the same sentence in his heart again.

Standing with Xuyun, Liao Chan couldn't stop glancing at Shangguan Feihong beside Xin Haoyan Fengyu from the corner of his eye.In this place in the capital, in the year he became a monk, he thought he would never come back again, but he didn't expect to come back today. I don't know how the old "Tao Xiang" mansion is now?Back then, he brought Shangguan Feihong back home, and Shangguan Feihong also lived in Tao Xiangfu for a few days. If he took her there alone, would it be able to evoke some memories of her?

Xu Yun was keenly aware of Zen's gaze, and immediately took a step forward calmly, blocked Zen's gaze with his body, and secretly cast a warning look at Zen, hoping that Zen could restrain himself and not show his flaws.

For a moment, the group of people who got off the carriage and stood in front of the mansion were thinking about each other.


In the mansion, in the brightly lit hall, the meals are all ready, just waiting for the group to arrive.Xin Moge waited while sipping tea.

Naturally, Ge Mingqi and Cang Yueli couldn't have dinner at the same table, and as soon as they entered the mansion, they went to their respective courtyards under the leadership of the maid.Xuyun and Liaochan are monks, they don't eat meat, plus Chan's body was a little tired and unwell, so they went to the courtyard to rest as soon as they entered the mansion.

In the end, only Feng Yu, Xin Haoyan, Shangguan Feihong and Xiao Yuner in Shangguan Feihong's arms went to the hall.

It is rare for a family to sit together to eat a meal.During the banquet, the atmosphere was harmonious, and Xin Moge kept serving Feng Yu's food.

After dinner——

Shangguan Feihong and Xin Haoyan went to rest in their courtyard.

Feng Yu carried Xiao Yun'er, who was still sound asleep, back to the courtyard where she used to live.Of course, she and Xin Moge lived in that courtyard now.

Xin Moge did not go back to the room immediately with Feng Yu, but went to see Cang Yueli first.

In Cang Yueli's room.

Cang Yueli didn't have much appetite, the food on the table was almost cold, and he didn't move his chopsticks much.

"Your Majesty." The maid outside the door, seeing Xin Moge coming, hurriedly bowed to salute.

Xin Moge nodded lightly, motioned for the maid to step back, and stepped into the room.

Cang Yueli looked up and put down the chopsticks in his hand.

"I wonder how the emperor's injury is now?" Xin Moge asked directly, without any intention of sitting down.

"It's all right now. Thank you, Mr. Xin, for your concern. He came here to visit." He didn't think that Xin Moge really cared about his body.Cang Yueli replied.

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