He has been a monk for nearly twenty years, and he has been a bit out of touch with the secular world. In addition, he has no money, so he can't rush to ask others or Xu Yun for money, lest Xu Yun know that he has really lost his patience and hide it. After leaving the mansion, Liao Chan didn't care about the carriage, but just took Shangguan Feihong directly to Tao Xiang's mansion based on the memory left in his mind.

Xu Yun still doesn't know that Chan met Shangguan Feihong yesterday, and that he took Shangguan Feihong out of the house at this moment.

On the street where people come and go, a monk and a woman wearing a veil are walking together, one is wearing a yellow cassock, the other is wearing a white robe, which is indescribably conspicuous.Pedestrians couldn't help looking sideways one after another, and some even whispered to each other.

Shangguan Feihong was a little unaccustomed, and also a little uncomfortable. While following Zen, he unconsciously stretched out his hand to pull the veil on his face.

Liao Chan ignored the scrutiny of the passers-by on the street. He only wanted to reach Tao Xiangfu as soon as possible in his heart.

The dark guard followed closely all the way in the dark.

Xin Haoyan also followed closely behind, keeping only a certain distance.


Tao Xiang's mansion back then has been abandoned since Tao Xiang's death.

If Prime Minister Tao hadn't been loyal for many years and made a lot of contributions to the court, the house would not have been kept for so many years.

After walking around for nearly an hour, Liao Chan finally arrived with Shangguan Feihong.I saw the mansion in front, the mansion gate was dilapidated, and the crumbling plaque had been corroded over the years and the original words could not be seen clearly, and there were even spider webs knotted there.

Shangguan Feihong raised his head and looked forward, his eyes didn't fluctuate in the slightest.

"This is Tao Xiang's Mansion. You have been here and lived in it. I will take you in." A sense of vicissitudes suddenly appeared in my heart, and the excitement in my heart was slightly suppressed unconsciously. go down.Turning his head to the side of Zen, he said to Shangguan Feihong, and then took the first step forward, gently pushing open the dilapidated mansion door with both hands.

Thick dust, accompanied by the creaking sound of the mansion door being pushed open, fell down densely.

Shangguan Feihong walked in after him.

The mansion is deserted and empty, and the echo can almost be heard when walking.

Leo Zen looked around, and the images of that year flooded into my mind for a moment, as if it was yesterday, "Hong'er, do you remember?"

There was still no ups and downs in Shangguan Feihong's eyes, and he said two words indifferently, "No."

"It's okay, I'll show you the room you lived in back then." Liao Zen led the way.

Shangguan Feihong followed without saying a word.

In the dark, Xin Haoyan and the dark guard who have been following behind and silently followed in, have a panoramic view of all this.

"You all wait outside the mansion, no one is allowed to come in without my order." What will happen next, I still can't remember, or suddenly I remember everything, and I also remember her past with Zen , and then how... Xin Haoyan didn't want to think about it, he didn't want anyone else to see him, and he clenched his hands under his sleeve unconsciously.

The dark guard hesitated for a moment, then folded his hands and withdrew.

Xin Haoyan continued to follow Chan and Shangguan Feihong, walking forward step by step.

After walking for a while, Liao Chan took Shangguan Feihong into a dilapidated courtyard, and took Shangguan Feihong into one of the rooms in the courtyard.

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