Shangguan Feihong looked at Xin Haoyan who had been hit so repeatedly, and looked at Xin Haoyan's current appearance, his heart was filled with the pleasure of revenge.Firstly, to take revenge on Xin Haoyan for what he did to her just now, and secondly, to take revenge on the enmity that he committed himself to Xin Haoyan and endured all the time. It seems that there is nothing more satisfying than this, "Am I talking nonsense? you."

"You..." Xin Haoyan was furious.

But Xie Wanting suddenly couldn't help laughing, "So... so...Xin Moge is not your son, only Li'er. Prince, did you hear? Only my Li'er This is the authentic blood of Prince Xin's Mansion..." The more she talked, the more excited she became, and Xie Wanting walked towards Xin Haoyan, who had already taken a step back, and grabbed Xin Haoyan's arm with both hands.

Xin Haoyan pushed Xie Wanting away with a backhand, and pushed Xie Wanting to the ground heavily.

Xie Wanting was still laughing, and she was still laughing when she fell to the ground in embarrassment.This is really a great irony, Xin Moge is not Xin Haoyan's biological son!

Feng Yu kept this scene in her eyes all the time, and hurriedly interjected, not wanting Xin Haoyan, who was already extremely angry, to be provoked by Xie Wanting again, lose her mind, and act immediately when she couldn't control it, "Shangguan Feihong, don't you think you are also very angry?" Are you stupid? The one Cang Jing loves has always been Cang Yueyu's biological mother, that woman who has passed away long ago, are you worth it for him?"

"No, that woman is nothing at all, just a puppet. I am Cang Yueyu's biological mother, the one he really loves." Shangguan Feihong retorted violently, not allowing anyone to provoke the relationship between her and Cang Jingtian , and no one is allowed to say that Cang Jingtian likes other women, not even a single word.

Feng Yu sneered, with a tone of complete disbelief, "How is that possible?"

"Is there anything impossible? In fact, that's it. The person he loves is always only me, and I never change my mind."

"Back then, he never knew that I was the Shangguan Feihong who married into Prince Xin's mansion. After I left him, he kept looking for me in secret. During the time when Xin Haoyan was threatened by the old King Xin to take a concubine, I finally had a gap and endured it. I couldn’t help but use Tao Xiang’s people to arrange, and went to meet him secretly. When I saw him, I couldn’t help it, and I became pregnant with his flesh and blood. Later, the old King Xin died, and I knew that Xin Haoyan was very sad. Soon I will step into the bamboo garden again, and I have to rush back. Only after I came back did I know that I was pregnant. On the eve of giving birth, Tao Xiang’s people secretly arranged for my newly born child to be sent out secretly and at the same time Another child came in. Afterwards, I handed over my own flesh and blood to him, which is now Cang Yueyu."

"He was very happy and kept asking Prime Minister Tao, wanting to know my whereabouts."

"With no way of knowing and finding me, he rashly brought a child back, which would inevitably arouse suspicion, so he could only temporarily choose a woman to enter the palace to become the child's mother to deceive others. So, from the very beginning , that woman is nothing but a puppet."

"Since then, we have only occasionally communicated through Tao Xiang."

"And in the contact again and again, I finally couldn't bear his pleading again and again, and decided to feign death and leave Prince Xin's Mansion, and be with him forever, never to be separated again."

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