Hearing this, Feng Yu looked at Xin Haoyan again, only to see Xin Haoyan nodded, and said: "This stone wall is a bit different from the ones that came all the way before. I have been looking for it for a while, but I have never found any mechanism to open the stone door. .”

"Look together, we will definitely find it. The 'thing' she specially came back to pick up this time is here. She must not be allowed to get it, let alone take it out. We must hurry up if there are other exits. Find her." After Feng Yu finished speaking, she immediately stepped forward, and ordered a group of hidden guards behind her to do the same.

Xie Wanting took a step back slowly, and stood there watching with her lips pursed.


Time passed quickly in the search of everyone.

For a long time, still nothing.

Feng Yu and Xin Haoyan had to re-examine the stone wall in front of them.

At first glance, the stone wall in front of him is no different from the ones that were opened one after another. If it weren't for the fact that the blood stains disappeared all of a sudden, in such a fruitless search, people would think that this place is actually There are no institutions and stone gates.

Xin Haoyan squinted his eyes, and then squinted his eyes again.


In the closed chamber separated by the stone wall, not only the stone wall is inlaid with night pearls, but even the ground is covered, the light is extremely bright, just like daytime.

And in the center surrounded by night pearls on the ground, there is an extremely thick stone column half the height of a person, even if four or five people hold hands, they may not be able to surround the column.

Above the cylinder is a large flat oval stone ball, which is almost closed.

Back then, the old King Xin and a group of people loyally followed the old emperor to fight in the battlefield, and finally helped the old emperor to pacify the world and secure the throne.

The old emperor gave rewards for meritorious service, thus canonizing a series of vassal kings, dividing the fiefdoms, and allowing their descendants to inherit directly.Among the canonized vassal kings in this series, the old Xin Wang was relatively powerful and made great contributions in the process of calming the world, so he was almost relied on by the old emperor the most, and because of this he knew and mastered some The old emperor's unknown secrets that other vassals did not know.

For example, one of the brutal and bloody massacres and the burning of the town took place in a small town that year.

Afterwards, the old emperor beheaded the general who ordered the massacre of the village in public, as an example to others, and everything was calmed down, but no one knew that the person who was actually directing behind the scenes was actually the old emperor himself. The old emperor's secret order is just acting.Because the old emperor suspected that a traitor had hid in the village, it was just a suspicion.Later, the old emperor's personal letter that issued this secret order fell into the hands of the old king Xin and was hidden by the old king Xin.And this is just a small part of it.

For another example, after the world was pacified, the old emperor wanted to secretly remove some people on the eve of conferring feudal lords and meritorious officials.

"The cunning rabbit is cooked by the dog, and the bird is kept in the bow." This has been the case since ancient times.

In the end, the "thing" in the hands of the old king Xin, which was synthesized from various criminal evidences, became a heartache and fear in the old emperor's heart.

As a result, the old emperor was forced to agree to the conditions offered by the old king Xin, and secretly entered into an oral agreement with the old king Xin.In exchange, Old Xin Wang must guarantee that this "thing" will never be seen.

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