The shadow guard who came in, dressed in black, looked at Feng Yu and said bluntly: "In this situation, if you are smart, you'd better not resist. Besides, I can tell you that as long as you lock the chain, You will see your son soon."

Feng Yu was surprised, and stared at the shadow guard who came in expressionlessly, and this was the first time someone spoke to Feng Yu after she was imprisoned here.

After the shadow guard finished speaking, he didn't say any more, he walked up to Feng Yu holding the thick iron chain in his hand, knelt down and buckled one end of the iron chain onto Feng Yu's foot.

Feng Yu's feet didn't move, she bent down and clasped the shadow guard's neck with her backhand in an instant, causing the shadow guard to look up, and tapped the acupuncture points on the shadow guard's body with quick eyes and hands.At the same time, the anxiety, irritability, worry, etc. that had been imprisoned here for so long all instantly turned into murderous aura, bursting out from their eyes at a glance. He paused and said: "How is the child now? What's going on outside? Or, what about Cang Yueyu, take me to see him."

The shadow guard was forced to raise his head immediately, but he couldn't move, but there was no panic on his face, and he was even somewhat expected, "Ahem... I'm just... just a subordinate, I don't have the emperor's order , I will not disclose any information. As for taking you to see the emperor, I have no such right."

"Do you believe that I really killed you?"

"It's useless for you to kill me. If you use me as a threat, people outside will not open the door. What I said is the truth."

The murderous look in Feng Yu's eyes suddenly became more intense, and the hands that clasped the shadow guard's neck kept tightening.

The shadow guard's breathing became more and more difficult.

Outside the secret room, the two shadow guards who locked the iron door waited patiently, and one of them was holding Xiao Yun'er who was feverish and unconscious in his arms.

Just like what the shadow guard in the secret room said, before that shadow guard locked Feng Yu with iron chains, they would never open the iron door, and they would never let Feng Yu see the child, even if Feng Yu killed that The shadow guard is useless.

The situation quickly reached a stalemate, and everything inside and outside the secret room was dead silent.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun'er, who was in a coma with a fever, began to cry, and her already hoarse voice came into the secret room clearly.

When Feng Yu heard this, her complexion changed suddenly, she pushed away the shadow guard in her hand, ran towards the iron gate in three steps at a time, knocked hard, and said eagerly: "Open the door, let me go out, I want to see the child. Cang Yueyu, are you outside, right? What exactly do you want?"

The two shadow guards outside looked at each other, then at Xiao Yun'er who was crying, and one of them replied: "The emperor is not here."

"I don't believe it, he must be outside. Open the door, open the door right away, what's wrong with the child? Why is his voice so hoarse? What did you do to him? Open the door, did you hear...Open the door...I asked you to open the door..."

"The emperor is indeed not here. The child is sick and has a fever. The emperor does not want the child to die for the time being, so let us carry him over to you. If you want us to open the door and see him, unless you let the person who just entered lock the iron Chain. I will give you half a stick of incense time to think about it, if you still refuse to agree, we have no choice but to leave."

After speaking, there was no sound outside, only Xiao Yun'er's hoarse and weak cries one after another.

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