"Really? Why should I believe it?"

"Do you have any other options?"

"How is he doing now?" Feng Yu's heart couldn't help tightening.

Cang Yueyu sneered again, and put her clenched hands behind her back, "Defeated, miserable defeat, defeated by the army of various feudal lords, when I fled alone, I was shot by poisoned arrows by my people, and I was trapped in the mountains. "

Feng Yu suddenly stood up.

Cang Yueyu pursed her lips, "Why, are you finally nervous?"

"Cang Yueyu, if what you said is true, then I think that you are coming here now to threaten him with me and the child, right? Cang Yueyu, is it interesting to beat around the bush?" But he didn't want to lose at all.

"In that case, you don't want to ask. Well, just remember, there will be a day when you ask." Cang Yueyu smiled instead of anger.

Two hours later, a shadow guard took a hosta from Feng Yu and hurried to the mountain where Xin Moge was trapped, and went up the mountain single-handedly with the hosta to meet Xin Moge who had been hit by a poisoned arrow. .

At this time, it was almost dawn, the sky and the earth were dark, and the faint fire swayed back and forth in the wind.

Xin Moge's white robe was stained with a large amount of blood, and his complexion was obviously a little pale. He took the familiar jade hairpin in the hands of the shadow guard expressionlessly, but after looking at it twice, he snapped it into two pieces and threw it away. On the ground, "With just this hairpin, Cang Yueyu wants me to believe that Yu'er is still alive? Just want to threaten me in a whimsical way? Go back and tell him, although I really hope that Yu'er is really alive, there is nothing like Yu'er alive." More importantly, even if I have to sacrifice my life for her, I will not hesitate, but I am not so stupid. Yuer's hatred, I will never let it go. He wants to threaten me, delusional."

The shadow guard's face remained unchanged and he said: "Xin Shizi, this jade hairpin is indeed real, and Xin Shizi Concubine is indeed not dead yet, you..."

"In this case, let Cang Yueyu lie to other people. If you want me to believe it, unless I see someone."

"Xin Shizi, that night..."

"Get out, get out right away, if you don't leave, don't blame me for being ruthless. I believe that after I kill you, more people will go back and report to Cang Yueyu." Although he was injured, poisoned, and pale, he was fierce. The oppressive momentum remained undiminished, and a low pressure suddenly shrouded along with the words. Xin Moge narrowed his eyes suddenly, and a dark murderous look flashed in his eyes.

The shadow guard trembled slightly, said no more, didn't stay any longer, and went down the mountain quickly.

After the shadow guard left, Fan Yinqing bent down to pick up the jade hairpin that was broken in two and was thrown on the ground, and then looked at Xin Moge's face.

Xin Moge didn't look down at the hairpin in Fan Yinqing's hand at all, he turned around and walked to the other side, with his back to Fan Yinqing, his face was sunken in the pitch black so no one could see clearly.

Several accompanying people were also more or less injured, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was dead silent for a while.

In the air, the wind is rustling.


Cang Yueyu had already expected this kind of result. After all, the design was so perfect that day, which made Xin Moge completely believe that the shipwreck was an "accident" that no one had expected, so when he received the news from the shadow guard There were almost no surprises. The reason why the shadow guard sent the jade hairpin to it was mainly because he wanted the shadow guard to confirm with his own eyes the situation after Xin Moge was poisoned by the arrow.

Now, if Xin Moge wanted to believe that Feng Yu was still alive, apart from letting Xin Moge see Feng Yu with his own eyes, he had to let Xin Moge see Shen Ruoyun.

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