Before entering Tangzhou City, he had naturally arranged for Xiao Yun'er in advance, and asked several hidden guards to send Xiao Yun'er to a secret and safe place.

Inside the bumpy carriage—

Feng Yu concentrated on Xin Moge cleaning the wound on his back, applying medicine, and bandaging it.

Xin Moge's back was full of injuries, which was shocking, but fortunately, there were no fatal injuries, which was a blessing in misfortune.

After Feng Yu finished bandaging, Xin Moge put on his clothes, and comforted Feng Yu in a relaxed tone, "It's okay, it's just a small injury, it will be fine soon."

Feng Yu nodded, but even so, she still blamed herself.In addition, such a jolting method will only open the wound on Xin Moge's back. After thinking about it, he said, "Why don't I pick up Xiao Yun'er alone, you..."

"No. From now on, you are not allowed to leave me one step, I'm fine." Xin Moge pulled Feng Yu into his arms.

On the one hand, Feng Yu misses Xiao Yun'er, but on the other hand, she doesn't want Xin Moge's wounds to open. This time, she walked before the death gate, which can be described as the rest of her life. She also doesn't want to be separated from him again. Some contradictions.

The blood-red water in the wooden tub next to it was used for cleaning, rippling under the vibration of the carriage.

The driver outside, while continuing to drive, raised his head to look at the gradually darkening sky, and said to Feng Yu and Xin Moge in the car: "Two, look at the sky, there may be a heavy snowstorm at night, the road ahead It's not so easy to go, do you think you can rest for a night before continuing your journey?" The carriage was temporarily hired by Feng Yu, and it was not too far from the west gate of Tangzhou City after Feng Yu and Xin Moge left Tangzhou City. The driver is hired by the town, and the driver is an ordinary citizen in the town.

Hearing this, Feng Yu raised a corner of the car curtain to look out, and asked the driver: "Then near here, is there any place to rest and shelter from the wind and snow?"

"Not far ahead, there is a temple. The abbot and the abbot there are good. I have stayed there once before. We can go there for one night and start our journey tomorrow morning." The coachman replied. I've been there many times, so I'm familiar with it.

Feng Yu nodded, and finally chose a compromise method, that is, to take a short break on the way, that is, not to separate from Xin Moge, to pick up Xiao Yun'er by herself, and to take care of Xin Moge's body, "Then Let's go to that temple for a night."

"Okay." The coachman replied.

Xin Moge has no objection, after all, there is no need to worry about Xiao Yun'er's safety, she is safe and fine.


Soon, the carriage arrived at the temple and stopped outside the temple.

The coachman went to knock on the door of the temple.

Feng Yu and Xin Moge then got out of the car, and at a glance, the temple in front of them was indeed very small.

When the monk inside heard the knock on the door, he immediately came to open the door. Obviously, he had some impression of the coachman. He clasped his hands together and said to the coachman, "Benefactor."

The coachman explained the reason and wanted to spend the night in the temple.At this time, the sky was getting darker and darker, and the cold wind was blowing up between the sky and the earth, and the wind howled.

The monk who opened the door hesitated for a moment because he saw that Feng Yu was a woman, but in the end he invited the coachman, Xin Moge and Feng Yu to go in.

There are only six monks in the temple, including the abbot.

There are only three rooms in the temple.

There is one room for the abbot, one room for the five monks below, and the other room is a simple wing room in the backyard.

Feng Yu took off a jade hairpin from her bun and gave it to the coachman, and asked the coachman to spend the night in the main hall of the temple, while Xin Moge and herself went to the side room under the leadership of the monk.

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