Feng Yu and Xin Moge returned to the capital, and as soon as they got off the carriage and sat down in the hall of the Prince's Mansion, Fan Yinqing came outside.

That day, after Shen Ruoyun sent the safe and sound little Yun'er back to Xin Moge's hands, Xin Moge remained calm and deliberately threatened by Shen Ruoyun, and agreed to Cang Yueyu's conditions conveyed by Shen Ruoyun on his behalf.Fan Yinqing, who couldn't say anything about Xin Moge, saw that the matter was a foregone conclusion, and was worried about his father, King Fan, so he turned around and went down the mountain alone the next moment Xin Moge agreed, wanting to inform his father immediately King Fan and other feudal lords must not be fooled by Cang Yueyu.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, Xiao Xiaozi, the little bookboy next to Shen Ruoyun, quickly caught up.

Under Xiao Xiaozi's order, she was quickly trapped by the shadow guards who surrounded the entire mountain, and finally she was outnumbered and fell into the hands of Xiao Xiaozi, that is, Shen Ruoyun.

Later, Shen Ruoyun had an accident and didn't come back for a long time. The people guarding her gradually became confused, and even Xiao Xiaozi, who came every day, suddenly disappeared, so she was able to escape successfully.

As soon as she escaped, she immediately inquired about the situation outside.

But I didn't expect that after this inquiry, what I got was--everything was planned by Xin Moge.

It turned out that Xin Moge led troops to attack Tangzhou City on purpose, and also agreed to Cang Yueyu's threat on purpose.

Cang Yueyu wanted Xin Moge and the feudal lords to suffer both defeats, and the fiercer the fight, the better, so that he could reap the benefits of the fisherman.On the other hand, he skillfully drew Cang Yueyu in, thereby reaping the benefits of both Cang Yueyu and the vassal kings, and using Cang Yueyu's hand to successfully deal with the soldiers and horses of the vassal kings.Afterwards, Cang Yueyu's army was easily eliminated, and Tangzhou City was captured, and Feng Yu and Feng Yu were not buried in the collapse of the secret road. It can be said that he was the last one to win, and also the last one. A wonderful person, who played with everyone in the applause.

After learning all this, because of the emotion in her heart and because she was worried about him, she resolutely left the soldiers and horses in Fancheng and rushed to the outside of the Tangzhou city tower alone, repeatedly urging him to think twice and leave with him. Everything in Tangzhou City and so on has become a joke, a joke of her own.

At that moment, when she looked back, even she thought she was funny!

Later, not long after, she soon received news that all the vassal kings in the capital had been thrown into prison.

She didn't care about other things, and immediately rushed to the capital day and night at full speed.In the past few days, she has been thinking of a way, and wants to go into the sky prison to see the situation of King Fan in the sky prison, and see if he can be rescued from the sky prison.

Last night, she finally managed to sneak in quietly, and only after she got in did she realize that all the feudal princes who had been thrown into the dungeon had been poisoned, and the situation was worrisome.And they all insisted that Xin Moge wanted to kill them and wanted their lives.

But she didn't believe it.Now that the feudal lords have no power, it is easy for Xin Moge to kill them, why use such a method of poisoning?

Furthermore, as the victor, Xin Moge was the king and the loser. Even if he executed the vassals openly, there was nothing wrong with it, and he could even establish his majesty.Therefore, in this matter, either someone set the blame on him, or the feudal lords really hated Xin Moge so much that everything should be blamed on Xin Moge.

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