"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine. Also, I also want to thank you. I didn't expect you to do so much behind the scenes." Feng Yu smiled.

Wan Wan's acting skills are top-notch, pretending that she didn't understand the other meaning in Feng Yu's words, "Concubine Xin Shizi is polite, it should be."

"Then you go down and rest first, I will be busy preparing antidotes for the vassal kings."

"Well, I'll go down first. If Princess Xin needs anything, you can come to me directly, and I'll be happy to help." Wan Wan couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, smiled and went down first.

Xin Moge frowned slightly.

Feng Yu stretched out her hand to cover Xin Moge's hand that had fallen on the table, and smiled at Xin Moge, not in a hurry.

At this time, a hidden guard came to report, and entered the hall and said to Xin Moge: "Young master, Shangguan Feihong has been making trouble non-stop, and she insists on seeing you."

That night, Feng Yu asked the secret guard to take Shangguan Feihong off the boat, and she had already given orders to the secret guard to take Shangguan Feihong to hide first, and then quietly return to Beijing with Shangguan Feihong.There is no need to rush the time, just make sure everything is safe. Shangguan Feihong must not be allowed to escape, or Shangguan Feihong must be rescued.

Following Feng Yu's instructions, the dark guards escorted Shangguan Feihong to the capital two days later.

At that time, Xin Moge had already learned about the sinking of the ship, and had hurried to the place where the accident happened, and sent people to salvage it. Shangguan Feihong was kept under house arrest.

Right now, this is not the first time Shangguan Feihong asked to see Xin Moge.Ever since he was taken back to the capital and imprisoned, Shangguan Feihong has been making trouble almost every day, and he will not stop for a day without seeing Xin Moge.Now, Xin Moge and Feng Yu are back, and Shangguan Feihong is making trouble there again, so the dark guards naturally rush over to report.

Xin Moge's complexion changed slightly, and his thin lips uttered two words coldly, "I don't see you."

"Yes." The dark guard cupped his hands, turned and went down.

There is one thing that Feng Yu kept hidden in her heart and did not tell Xin Moge, that is, "about Xin Moge's life experience".That day, she and Xin Moge were trapped in the collapsed secret passage, and at first they thought they would die, so why did she tell Xin Moge these things before she died? It was meaningless at all.Later, they escaped from the collapsed secret passage alive. For the rest of her life, she wanted to tell him immediately, but at the moment she didn't know how to speak, so she dragged it on until now.Now, Feng Yu knew that she could no longer take it off, so she finally wanted to talk.

After contemplating for a long time, Feng Yu signaled that the hidden guards inside and outside the threshold of the hall should go down first, and no one was allowed to approach the hall without her order.

Xin Moge then got up, walked out of the hall without saying a word, and was about to leave the hall.

Feng Yu was slightly taken aback, and quickly chased after her.

Xin Moge didn't say anything, just walked forward in silence, until he reached the lake in the mansion, and there was no road ahead, so he stopped.

Feng Yu looked around, but there was no one around, and none of the maids and servants passed by. Looking sideways at Xin Moge's low expressionless face, she suddenly guessed something in her heart, and asked, "Have you already knew?"

Xin Moge didn't speak.

Feng Yu got the answer from Xin Moge's silence.It turned out that he really already knew.

For a moment, Feng Yu didn't know what to say, she turned her head and looked at the calm and waveless lake ahead, which was shining like fish scales in the afterglow of the setting sun.

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