Fan Yinqing had been worried about Yang Xufan's sudden disappearance for a long time, thinking that something unexpected happened to him, and also doubted whether his disappearance might have something to do with Feng Yu.Compared with the situation at that time, the situation has already been turned upside down.Fan Yinqing sighed unconsciously.

After Yang Xufan listened carefully to Fan Yinqing's brief account of what happened during this period, he was so shocked that he was a little stunned, "You said, Cang Yueyu has been defeated and died? All the feudal lords have also been completely defeated. Was he thrown into the sky prison by Shizi Xin?"

Fan Yinqing nodded.

Yang Xufan was speechless for a long time under Fan Yinqing's nod, and blurted out a few words after a long time, "...he is too scary."

"Who says it's not, everything is under his calculation and control, whether it's Cang Yueyu or the princes, they've all become his defeated opponents, they've all been completely defeated, they're not his opponents at all. Fan Yinqing sighed again unconsciously, and turned his head to look out of the open window again.

"Then son, what should we do now? King Fan..."

"Don't act rashly now. They should not kill or harm the princes for the time being, and they will not hurt me if they 'invite' me into this prince's mansion. They just want to prevent my secret activities to save the princes. At this moment At the critical point, he recreated the chaos, and wanted to buy off the hearts of the people in the various domains and the people of the world, so that the people of the world knew that he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and also intended to restore the chaos after the war as soon as possible, so as to stabilize people's hearts, and then continue Stabilize the entire world and establish a new dynasty."

"Okay, just listen to Shizi. It's just that they let me go and let me go back to Shizi..."

"Maybe they think it's useless to lock you up. Let you come back to me, and they won't be afraid that there will be one more person by my side."

"My lord, it's all my fault. I'm so useless. If I hadn't been arrested, if I could have spread the news in time and put you and King Fan on guard, maybe the situation would have been different."

"No, this matter is none of your business. Even if you were not arrested that day, I think the end will be the same."

"My son..." Yang Xufan still wanted to say something, but in the end he swallowed the rest of the words. Unexpectedly, he was imprisoned for a period of time. The situation in the world has become like this, and he is still unable to recover.


Feng Yu's side.

After Feng Yu asked the hidden guard to take Yang Xufan to Fan Yinqing's place, she went to the hall, knowing that Xin Moge must still be in the hall at this time, and at this time must stabilize the hearts of the world as soon as possible, so that no more troubles can occur.

In the hall, Xin Moge was giving orders to several generals.

When Fengyu arrived, after seeing the situation in the hall clearly, she stood still outside the hall, and did not rush in to disturb Xin Moge.

After a while, several generals walked out of the hall one after another. When they saw Feng Yu outside the hall, they went forward to salute, and then left.

After Feng Yu and other people in the hall were all gone, they stepped into the hall, approached Xin Moge, sat down beside Xin Moge, and asked, "How is it? Are you okay?"

"It's nothing. Where's Shangguan Feihong? Did she say anything?" Xin Moge picked up the cup of tea beside his hand and took a sip.

"Not yet, wait a minute, I'll go there tomorrow." Feng Yu replied.

Xin Moge didn't ask any more questions.


Early the next morning, Feng Yu went to the place where Shangguan Feihong was imprisoned again.

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