Feng Yu continued to ask, "That midwife, since she said she would hand over the jade pendant to Prime Minister Tao, did she say anything else?"


"Then tell me, since the jade pendant is the finest suet white jade, will the midwife be selfish and want to keep it for herself, but in fact she didn't hand the jade pendant into Prime Minister Tao's hands?"

"No. The midwife, she is very loyal to Prime Minister Tao and will not take it for herself."

"Then, this midwife is not someone that Prime Minister Tao arranged and found temporarily? Is it a close friend of Prime Minister Tao?"

Only then did Shangguan Feihong belatedly realize that Feng Yu was trying to trick her quietly.The word "loyalty" in her words has unconsciously slipped out.

Indeed, that midwife was not someone who was temporarily arranged by Prime Minister Tao. Although she didn't know what kind of master-servant status between that midwife and Prime Minister Tao was, but since that midwife never left Tao Xiang and always turned to Tao Xiang, Even when the word "Tao Xiang" is said, her expression will become very respectful, etc. From a series of small details, it can be concluded with certainty that she is not generally loyal to Tao Xiang.But she is not like Tao Xiang's wife and concubine, she is probably a year or two older than Tao Xiang, and her appearance is very ordinary, not outstanding.

"Answer me, don't dawdle on purpose, test my patience." Feng Yu urged in a cold voice before Shangguan Feihong could answer.

"Yes, it's his confidant, that's right." Shangguan Feihong gritted his teeth.

Feng Yu immediately began to think secretly.

From Shangguan Feihong's description of the jade pendant, it is clear that the jade pendant is of great value.

And that jade pendant was stuffed in swaddling clothes and was still stained with blood. Not many people had come into contact with the child, not to mention that the child that Shangguan Feihong said just now was just born, so there were even fewer people who had come into contact with it. up.

Then, that jade pendant was most likely stuffed in by the child's biological mother when no one was looking.

Moreover, Prime Minister Tao probably didn't know about this matter, nor did he agree to it.If he agreed, it would be impossible for someone to tell the midwife to keep the jade pendant.

From this point of view, was that woman willing to make a deal with Mr. Tao at that time, she didn't want a child herself, and agreed to give the child to Mr. Tao after giving birth in exchange for some benefits, or was she coerced by Mr. Tao and had no choice? This point may be able to guess one or two.

Still, not entirely sure.

But what is certain is that that woman should not be an ordinary person.

A piece of ordinary suet white jade is already worth a lot of money, and the value of the finest suet white jade is more than doubled. Sometimes, if you have money, you may not be able to buy it. It is impossible for ordinary people to own such expensive things.

As for the midwife, since she was so loyal to Prime Minister Tao, it was absolutely impossible for her to be someone whom Prime Minister Tao had called on a whim.Just now I deliberately asked Shangguan Feihong so much if he was Tao Xiang's confidant, just to confirm it again.Then check her, you can check with the cronies around Tao Pingnian, maybe you can find out one or two.

Also, and the most important point, it is still Shangguan Feihong's words, she said that the child sent in was also just born and was still stained with blood, which means that the child returned is likely to be in Prince Xin's Mansion Those born around the place were sent in as soon as they were born.And this is totally defensible.

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