"Then do you know if there were any wives and concubines who were pregnant in Tao's mansion at that time? Or were there any women outside?"

"You suspect that Xin Moge is Tao Xiang's son?"

How could Shangguan Feihong fail to understand what Feng Yu said.However, thinking about it, although Tao has little experience, he still cares about it.More importantly, the few words Tao said to her from time to time.

However, Shangguan Feihong can be sure that Xin Moge is definitely not Tao Xiang's son.

Feng Yu didn't deny it, she did have such a little suspicion, because Tao's confession to Shangguan Feihong was too strange and suspicious.Why must Xin Moge be the eldest son of Prince Xin's mansion?Why can't the relationship between Xin Moge and Xin Haoyan be too good? "Shangguan Feihong, you just need to answer me honestly, don't worry about what I think."

"Well, I will answer you, no. You can go and check it out. A few years after Liao Chan was born, Prime Minister Tao was injured once. After that injury, it is impossible for him to have any more children, and it is impossible for him to touch him again. Woman. Of course, even if you and Xin Moge have the best hands and eyes, you may not be able to find out such a secret matter, not to mention that it has been so many years, and Tao Xiang has been dead for so many years." This matter, she It was also discovered by accident, after all, men are very concerned about this, Tao Xiang did a good job of keeping it secret.

Feng Yu couldn't believe it.Shangguan Feihong now means that Tao Xiang has long been inhumane?

If it wasn't Tao Xiang's son, why would Tao Xiang say such a thing?

"Then Tao Xiang, does he have any brothers?"

"No, he doesn't have any brothers. You can check it yourself. It should be easy."

"Don't worry, I will definitely check it out, and I will find out clearly. Let me ask you one last question. When you first met Cang Jingtian, how was he favored? If I remember correctly, You seemed to have said it yourself in the study of Prince Xin's mansion that night, when you promised the old emperor and Prime Minister Tao to work for them and marry into Prince Xin's mansion, the only condition you offered was that the old emperor must reuse the crown prince Cang Jingtian, and Tao Xiang The prime minister must do his best to assist him to ascend the throne. In other words, Cang Jingtian, who was the crown prince at that time, was not favored at all? Even the position of crown prince is in jeopardy? The old emperor needs to be reused, and Prime Minister Tao should be assisted."

"That's right, that's what I said. Besides, I have never regretted it. It's worth sacrificing everything for him." Speaking of Cang Jingtian, Shangguan Feihong's weak and decayed face unconsciously flashed a gleam of light. His tone was obviously louder, and he clenched his hands unconsciously.

"You just need to answer me, how is he favored? As for whether you have any regrets, I don't want to know at all." Shangguan Feihong should have been a little touched by his willingness to sacrifice for Cang Jingtian without complaint or regret, but somehow , only Xin Haoyan could be thought of in Feng Yu's mind, and she couldn't help but secretly sighed.

"As you said, his position as crown prince is in jeopardy and he is not favored, so I will do this for him. But, why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Shangguan Feihong seemed to have regained some strength at this time, of course it is also possible It was thinking of Cang Jingtian and mentioning Cang Jingtian that gave her strength, she slowly raised her head that had been lowered, and tried to get up while looking at Fengyu, she didn't want to keep lying on her stomach like this.

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