After more than a month, they learned that she was pregnant and that she was doing well in Prince Xin's mansion, so they felt relieved.

Unexpectedly, suddenly, Old Xin Wang died of illness.

A few months later, they accidentally heard the sad news that she fell into the water and drowned, leaving one dead and two dead.

For so many years, they have been condemned by their conscience and regretted it very much. They really shouldn't have pushed her into Prince Xin's mansion as a concubine.

And they never imagined that today, after so many years, they would suddenly be exposed, and someone would suddenly question them, and they only begged to let them go and spare their lives.

After Fengyu listened, she unconsciously turned her head to look at the silent Xin Moge, then looked at the two gray-haired and trembling old men in front of her again, and asked, "Then do you know her real identity? , what is her real name?"

They both shook their heads, "We don't know her real identity, nor what her real name is, and she has always refused to say it, only saying her surname is 'Shui', so we always call her 'Xiao Shui'."

"Then how did you save her in the first place? What was the situation at that time?" Feng Yu asked again.

"At that time, she was unconscious in the mountains alone, with injuries on her body, shed a lot of blood, and was dying. We saw her, so we rescued her."

"Then after she woke up, did she say anything? Did she say why she was unconscious in the mountains alone? Why was she injured? Also, you just said that she lived in your house for nearly a year, and during this year Why hasn't she left?" Regarding the concubine named "Shui", suddenly it seemed to be a mystery, it turned out that she was not the real concubine that the old King Xin wanted for Xin Haoyan, but a replacement.First she was alone in a coma in the Zhongshan forest, and she was injured, and she was wearing such a precious jade pendant, and more importantly, that jade pendant belonged to the old emperor, and Tao Xiang personally took it to repair it. What is the relationship between the emperors?

The two thought for a while, then nodded, "Yes. She woke up, and after knowing that we rescued her, she said a lot of things. First of all, she immediately begged us to keep the secret and not tell it. She said that if someone I know, someone will come to kill her." Over the years, the two of them have been living with uneasy consciences, and they often think about everything in the past, so they still remember what happened so long ago.

"Someone will come to kill her?" Feng Yu couldn't help frowning, "Then did she say who would come to kill her? Why did she come to kill her?"

Both of them answered one by one, telling all they knew, not daring to hide anything, "We asked about this too. She said that when her mother was dying, she asked her to bring a jade pendant to find a man and go to him. Seeing that man is the fulfillment of her mother's last wish."

Jade pendant?Feng Yu grasped these two words keenly, and waited for the two people in front of her to continue talking without interrupting, and listened to them before speaking.

"However, she never thought that after she saw that man, that man would not let her go, and even forcibly put her under house arrest, intending to marry her by force."

"Later, when the man's wife found out about this, she sent a killer to kill her. Fortunately, she escaped, and the wound on her body was stabbed by the killer."


[PS: This concubine with the surname "Shui" was clearly mentioned at the beginning of the full text, Chapter 20]

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