Shui Ning Xi, who flew in, had actually seen a fire light up on the tower in front of her when she was still outside, and knew that it would be better for her to enter another place, so that she would not be seen by others, and would not cause some troubles. Unnecessary trouble.

However, the situation of Murong Ji in her hand is really worrying, no matter how she called her, she still didn't respond at all, her body was already too cold and stiff, and her breath was already very weak, time could not be delayed any longer, and she couldn't afford to delay, so she also He didn't care about anything else, he just came in, and for a while, he almost flew past the head of King Fan who jumped and hit Xin Moge on the tower, without stopping at all, and without looking down, he kept going .

Xin Moge, who didn't pay much attention to King Fan, was about to strike back when he caught sight of Shui Ningxi with Murong Ji flying in from outside the city and flying over King Fan's head, and Recognizing the unconscious Murong Ji in Shui Ningxi's arms, her black eyes narrowed for a moment, and she ordered to the secret guard: "Stop her."

Accompanied by the words, King Fan who flew over was already approaching Xin Moge who was slightly stagnant.

Xin Moge moved sideways quickly to avoid it.

At the same time, the hidden guards on both sides of Xin Moge also moved forward, stabbing at King Fan who was approaching with their swords.

The dark guards who were far away, those on the farthest left and right sides, immediately flew up to intercept Shui Ningxi who was leaving according to Xin Moge's instructions.

Shui Ningxi's lightness skills are excellent, she doesn't know the identities of these people at the moment, and she doesn't want to pay attention to them, she just wants to take Murong Ji away as soon as possible to see the doctor.Sensing that someone was chasing after her, Shui Ningxi couldn't help speeding up, trying to throw off the chasing people.

Xin Moge saw that the hidden guards could not catch up with the departing Shui Ningxi, and the examples of the dark guards guarding Murong Ji's bedroom were still in front of him, a cold light flashed in his black eyes, and he handed over King Fan and the people below to him. To the dark guard, he personally flew to chase after Shui Ningxi who was leaving. He wanted to see who she was, first she went to the palace to take Murong Ji away, and now she brought Murong Ji back, what exactly was her intention.

Shui Ningxi, who left quickly and was about to throw off the hidden guards behind her, did not expect another person to catch up, and his speed was so fast that his lightness kung fu was by no means inferior to hers.

The next moment, with a quick somersault like the wind, Xin Moge overtook Shui Ningxi in an instant, arrived in front of Shui Ningxi, and blocked Shui Ningxi's way in mid-air.

Shui Ningxi didn't expect that all of a sudden, her whole body came to a sudden stop like a screeching brake, her expression alert and nervous.

The hidden guards at the rear caught up after Shui Ningxi was stopped for a while.

For a moment, Shui Ningxi with Murong Ji was trapped between Xin Moge and the dark guard.

With the cold wind blowing, Xin Moge sized him up coldly from the front, and then said bluntly, "Who the hell are you?"

"I... I'm no one. I just want to take her to see a doctor. Why did you stop me?" Shui Ningxi said, while unconsciously hugging Murong Ji who was cold and stiff in her hands, and didn't know the front of her at all. Xin Moge, as if Xin Moge didn't know her at all, didn't even know why Xin Moge on the opposite side wanted to stop her.

"Take her to see a doctor?" Xin Moge sneered, "You went into the palace and brought her out just to take her to see a doctor?"


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