Xin Moge finally turned his head to look at Feng Yu.

Feng Yu, who had been looking at Xin Moge's profile without looking away, met Xin Moge's eyes directly.

Xin Moge then looked away, turned around and walked towards the empty pavilion not far away by the lake.

Under the moonlight, the light was not particularly bright and clear. Feng Yu couldn't see the expression in Xin Moge's eyes when he turned around, but her eyes met, and she had already seen what Xin Moge meant, and she still kept up with Xin Moge for a while. , followed into the pavilion.

The pavilion is not very big, but it is not small either. I still remember that when I first came here, in this pavilion, she forced Cang Yueyu to find a way to save Xin Moge who was thrown into the prison.

At that time, she didn't even know that Xin Moge was so powerful in his hands that she didn't need her to save her.And at that time, if she could have known, she would not have come to the capital, and everything might not be what it is now.Looking back, everything seems to have happened yesterday.However, she doesn't regret it, and she has never regretted it at all. She even rejoiced more than once. Fortunately, she came here in the first place, so she was with him in the end.

Xin Moge looked at the lake outside the pavilion.

The surface of the lake hasn't changed much, it's still the same as when I saw it from the position I stood just now.

Fengyu waited for a long time, but still couldn't wait for Xin Moge to speak, so she was straightforward and clear, "Why have you been avoiding me these days?"

Xin Moge sighed, but she still said it.But in fact, he didn't intend to avoid her, he just didn't want to hear her talk about Shui Ningxi.From that jade pendant, from the time she hurried to Shangguan Feihong overnight to ask Shangguan Feihong to confirm, he already knew Shui Ningxi's identity.That person has never appeared for so many years, as if he never existed, but when he appeared, he entered the palace to take away Murong Ji who fell into his hands. He didn't know why she did this, and he didn't want to know again.The moment he learned of Xin Haoyan's return, he let her go. The purpose was to never want to see her again, and he hoped that this matter would end.

That night, he knew that Feng Yu wanted to talk about Shui Ning Xi, so he interrupted her on purpose.

Telling her to go and see Fan Yinqing was just an excuse.

These days, he still didn't want to hear about Shui Ningxi from her.

"Because of her?" It's not difficult for Feng Yu to guess one or two things, especially when she went to the palace with Xin Haoyan to meet Shui Ningxi today, Shui Ningxi was let go by him in advance. Obviously he was not Xin Haoyan who met Shui Ning evening.

Or, in other words, he already knew Shui Ningxi's identity, but he still didn't want Xin Haoyan to do the final confirmation.

Xin Moge didn't deny it, he knew that he was as smart as her, so he would definitely think of it.And he also hoped that by avoiding her these two days, she would understand what he meant when she knew about it, so that she would take the initiative not to mention that person or this matter again.

Feng Yu also sighed unconsciously, knowing from Xin Moge's silence that she was right, "Do you mind if she takes Murong Ji away? But, I heard from her that night that Murong Ji is her mother's twin sister , and she is indeed somewhat similar to Murong Ji, maybe she didn't have any other meaning or purpose in doing this, let alone targeting you, she just wanted to take Murong Ji away."

"It's not important." Xin Moge spat out three words lightly, his eyes still set on the front, looking forward.

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