On that day, Ge Mingqi, who left the capital with Su Ran who was unconscious, went to the Snow Mountain, and finally brought Su Ran to live in this small village in the Snow Mountain.After he settled down, he informed his father.

Ge Muyao has already settled down in other places, leading a peaceful life.

Su Ke and Su Zi were originally with Ge Muyao, but after seeing Ge Mingqi's letter, they immediately rushed to the Snow Mountain together.

During the day, Su Ke and Su Zi took turns to guard and take care of Su Ran who was still unconscious, as well as washing and cooking, and taking care of the small family settled at the foot of the snow mountain. Xuelian, she often goes out very early in the morning and comes back very late at night.

While Su Zi was taking care of Su Ran, she was always thinking about Su Hu. She wondered how Su Hu was doing now?

Since Tangzhou City was destroyed that day, Su Hu disappeared, and was not escorted back to the capital by Xin Moge's men like Murong Ji, and his whereabouts, life and death are still unknown.

The days passed so peacefully for a moment, and became more and more peaceful as time went by.


More than a month later.

On a mountain far away from the capital, in an ordinary temple——

A man in plain clothes kneels quietly in front of the Buddha in the main hall of the temple. An old monk and several young monks stand aside. One of the young monks is holding a tray with a razor in his hand. A picture of "falling out of the family".

At noon, the bell rang, and the old monk who was the abbot asked the kneeling man for the last time, "Benefactor, have you thought about it?"

"Zhen... I have thought clearly..." The kneeling man unconsciously called himself "Zhen", but quickly changed his words, his voice was flat and without any tone.

The old monk who was the abbot nodded, "In that case, let's start." After finishing speaking, the old monk reached out to pick up the razor on the tray that one of them closed his hand, and was about to shave the kneeling person. .

At this time, the two came in a hurry, and the voice had already arrived before the people arrived, "Wait a minute..."

The old monk and several young monks next to him heard the sound and looked back.But the movements in the hands of the old monk naturally stopped first.

The two people who rushed over were none other than Su Hu and Shen Ruoyun.That day, the unrecognizable person in the bright yellow dragon robe that was dug out from the secret passage was not the real Cang Yueyu, and the other one was naturally not Shen Ruoyun, it was Cang Yueyu and Shen Ruoyun who had concealed it from the world. A "replacement" game was made, using the corpses of two shadow guards to replace him and Shen Ruoyun.

As for that secret path, who else knows better than Cang Yueyu?

However, even so, Cang Yueyu and Shen Ruoyun came out of the secret way not much earlier than Xin Moge and Feng Yu.

In addition, when Cang Yueyu and Shen Ruoyun came out of the secret way, Cang Yueli had already led his troops to Tangzhou City, and Tangzhou City could no longer be kept. It would be a dead end for them to go back to the palace of Tangzhou City, so they didn't go back.

Although the two of them escaped, they barely managed to save their lives. They were both seriously injured, and they had to find a safe place to recuperate as soon as possible.

When the body in the secret passage was dug up that day, Xin Moge and Feng Yu had already left. It was inspected by the hidden guards. After the inspection, they reported it to Xin Moge. At that time, no abnormalities were found, so that everyone in the world thought that Cang Yueyu was dead. .

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