Downstairs, in the main hall, Xin Moge's cronies have increased one by one, and these regrouped civil and military officials, as always, report everything to Xin Moge alone. They are extremely respectful to Xin Moge, and directly to Cang Yueli. ignore.

Cang Yueli listened and watched, just sitting and acting like this, he, the "puppet", was indeed thorough enough.

Gradually, Cang Yueli's thoughts drifted away unknowingly under such a situation of being ignored all the time and nothing happened to him at all.Sometimes, he even kept thinking, why didn't Xin Moge directly replace him on the dragon chair?After thinking about it, she unconsciously turned to Su Ran.Now he is finally the emperor of a country, but he is only a "canary" imprisoned. Has she woke up now that she is far away?Would she like to come back?back to him?

Of course, such a question would never be answered by Cang Yueli.

At the end of the court, Xin Moge got up and walked down the stairs, stepped out of the court hall, and left.After Xin Moge left, all the civil and military officials below dispersed.

The little eunuch standing at the side, after everyone had left, stepped forward and called Cang Yueli two steps forward, and only after calling Cang Yueli several times in a row did he call Cang Yueli back to his senses, "Your Majesty, the court has already left , you can go."

Cang Yueli heard the words, looked at the empty palace in front of him, closed his eyes, "You go down first, I want to sit here alone for a while."

The little eunuch hesitated for a moment, nodded, and turned to go down.

The sunlight outside the hall was refracted into the resplendent and resplendent hall, and onto Cang Yueli, making him look lonely at first glance.

Xin Moge, who was out of the palace, looked at the carriage waiting in front of him after leaving the palace gate, and suddenly recalled what Feng Yu said to him in the morning, saying that the big peach blossoms on the mountain outside the city had already bloomed, Many people in the village have gone to spring to see the peach blossoms, and to play in the mountains and rivers. She has nothing to do anyway, so she took Xiao Yun'er to see it too, so that Xiao Yun'er would not be bored in the mansion all day long.Now, looking at the time, it was still early, Feng Yu and Xiao Yun'er were both outside the city and hadn't come back.

Thinking of this, Xin Moge ordered the guards to lead the horse over, jumped on the horse, and headed out of the city.

A line of guards behind hurriedly followed.


The peach blossoms on the mountain outside the city, the large peach blossom forest, have indeed bloomed, and they are still blooming well. At first glance, the sea of ​​flowers is as beautiful as an illusion. The petals are falling under the breeze, and there are many people. It is very lively.

The common people who were out in the spring suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes, and they couldn't help but look sideways. Although they didn't know who the person was, it was not difficult to see from the scene, the momentum, and the people that the other party was definitely very powerful. The background, especially the person at the front, was dressed in white clothes with fluttering sleeves, with an incomparable dignity and nobility, which made people unable to take their eyes off of them.

Feng Yu, who was walking in the sea of ​​flowers with Xiao Yun'er in her arms, Xiao Yun'er in her arms was endlessly reaching out to grab the peach blossoms in front of her eyes, her little hand had already grasped several petals in her arms, excitedly hugging Feng Yu's hands. Dangling in front of him, he seemed to be showing off like Feng Yu, "Look, he is so good, he has picked so many flowers".

Feng Yu couldn't help laughing, there were so many, so many that there were not as many petals falling on him.

Xin Moge, who went up the mountain, came from the opposite side, and saw Feng Yu in the sea of ​​flowers at a glance, and stood there waiting for Feng Yu to approach.

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