"Bamboo Garden" is the only place leading to the backyard. At that time, the princess liked the backyard very much. Prince Xin liked Princess Bo. He not only ordered people to expand the backyard, but also asked people to rebuild the "Bamboo Garden". It is a courtyard for living, and moved to live in the "Bamboo Garden" with the princess, and they were inseparable, so that the princess could go to the backyard every morning when she got up together, and let the princess stand on the five-story attic. Overlooking the entire backyard at a glance, overlooking the entire Ding'an City, he ordered that no one in the mansion should take a step closer to the backyard.After the death of the princess, Prince Xin moved out of the "Bamboo Garden" where he had lived for more than four years, and only his four-year-old son, Xin Moge, stayed in the "Bamboo Garden".

At that time, Xin Moge's eyes were not blind yet.

A few years ago, one day suddenly, King Xin, who had not stepped into the "Bamboo Garden" since he moved out that year, rushed into the "Bamboo Garden" angrily for some reason.From that day on, Xin Moge set up formations outside the "Bamboo Garden". Even Fu Bo had to wait for Xin Moge to agree to close the formations every time he entered or left.

Uncle Fu was pacing back and forth outside the "Bamboo Garden", very anxious, suddenly recalling the past in his mind for some reason, but quickly returned to the present.Today is the auspicious day for Xin Moge to marry the current emperor's most beloved daughter, "Princess Huaning". The day the imperial decree was issued, he had already informed Xin Moge. He didn't say anything, and allowed his servants to come in and out every day "Bamboo Garden" cleans and furnishes the new house.When I left the "Bamboo Garden" at noon yesterday, I told Xin Moge to wait for him to close the formation in the "Bamboo Garden" early this morning like the previous days, and let him bring someone in to wash and change his clothes, but I waited for a long time I don't see that the formation is closed. If the auspicious time is delayed, what should I do?

"Uncle Fu, this...?" A servant hesitated for a long time, and finally took a step forward, asking in a low voice.

"I... I'm going to ask the prince for instructions. You all continue to wait here, and you are not allowed to leave. If the prince closes the formation, you should go in and wash and change clothes for the prince immediately. There must be no mistakes." Uncle Fu really couldn't think Finding no other way, stomping his feet, he could only rush to "Wanting Garden" to find King Xin——Xin Haoyan.

Wanting Court.

Xin Wang Xin Haoyan just got up, and the side princess Xie Wanting was dressing and belting him.

Before King Xin Xin Haoyan married Princess Shangguan Feihong, who was Xin Moge's mother, he had two concubines named "Xie Wanting" and "Song Yuyan".And at that time, Xin Haoyan was still the eldest son and had not yet inherited the throne.After marrying Shangguan Feihong, Xin Haoyan doted on Shangguan Feihong all day long, and ignored Xie Wanting and Song Yuyan. Xie Wanting and Song Yuyan were like being thrown into the cold palace.

Xie Wanting and Song Yuyan entered the mansion at the same time, and they were both the daughters of the old prince's friends who had been friends for many years.

Xin Haoyan's actions made the old prince who did not agree with Xin Haoyan marry Shangguan Feihong very angry, and the relationship between father and son continued to deteriorate.

In the second year after Xin Haoyan married Shangguan Feihong, Shangguan Feihong was still not pregnant. The doctor took his pulse and said that Shangguan Feihong's physique was cold. In addition, he had been seriously injured and damaged his body. He would not be able to conceive in this life.After the old prince found out, he disliked Shangguan Feihong even more. Not only did he order Xin Haoyan to favor Xie Wanting and Song Yuyan, but he also ordered Xin Haoyan to take another concubine, because the Xin family would never have no offspring.

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