The next moment, Feng Yu, who had finished admonishing herself, was unable to stay in the pavilion any longer under Xin Moge's "gaze" and the uncontrollable feeling of wanting to escape, retreat and get hairy in the bottom of her heart. I was also afraid that if I continued to face Xin Moge, I would show some clues sooner or later, so I said goodbye: "My lord, the person I'm waiting for has already gone back, so I won't bother you and others, so I leave."

After finishing speaking calmly and leisurely, without the slightest pause, Feng Yu walked away.

A sharp and full of strong wind, the moment Feng Yu took a step forward, it flew in front of Feng Yu like a sharp arrow, "Miss Feng, why bother to leave!"

The strong wind passing by, the sharp sound of the wind can be heard endlessly, resounding clearly in Feng Yu's ears, Feng Yu's forward steps did not advance for a moment but retreated, and was forced to take a step back abruptly, her whole body was startled, and her whole body was shocked. Sheng Han, if the gust of wind just got closer to her, it would probably pass through her body like a sharp arrow.

As for the nine words that were heard immediately after, the speaker still spoke calmly, but Feng Yu, who was already feeling cold all over her body, suddenly stirred up waves of waves in her heart!

In an instant, Feng Yu, who was frightened twice in an instant, felt her heart tighten suddenly, as if her heart had been tightly grasped by a big hand, her heartbeat obviously missed half a beat, and reflexively turned her head to look at the seated person again. He narrowed his eyes slightly, did he know she was Feng Yu?Or, has he actually been waiting here for her?Did you say those words just now to her on purpose?No wonder she felt like she was talking about her!He... Could it be that he already knew that she was the person of the night?

In the blink of an eye, many thoughts flashed through Feng Yu's mind.


Feng Yu forced herself to stabilize her mind and spoke calmly, with a look of confusion on her face, "Miss Feng? Are you talking about me?"

"Isn't the girl's surname 'Feng'? Or is the girl not Feng Yufeng's eldest daughter—Miss Feng?" It was still an indifferent voice, "watching" Fengyu's eyes and the look on her face tilting in. Under the bright moonlight of the pavilion, there is a layer of hazy color, like a piece of flawless jade covered with a layer of tulle, making it difficult to see clearly.

In Xin Moge's mind, it was basically confirmed that Feng Yu was the person of that night, and there was only one final step to confirm and confirm.

But at this moment, since we've met each other, it's better to hit the sun than to choose another day. If you speak straight to the point, Feng Yu will be caught off guard. It's the best way to test out a person's most real reaction, and then confirm and confirm it by the reaction.

Feng Yu listened and watched, and unconsciously clenched her hands under the sleeves for a moment. It seemed that it was useless for her to quibble, the other party was obviously very clear and very sure of her identity.

But, where did she show her flaws?Could it be that time in the prison?When he was in the dungeon, he recognized her right away by the scent on her body. Although she denied it at the time and made such a statement, the denial and the statement were obviously useless.And he can point her to a secret way out of the dungeon, and naturally he can also send someone to follow her secretly, she is too careless!Perhaps, when she was changing clothes in the clothing store, someone followed and monitored her, and thus followed her all the way back to Fengfu, so as to investigate her identity clearly!

Thinking of this, Feng Yu clenched her hands under the sleeves even more, her fingertips dug deeply into her palms without letting go.


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