As he was walking, a fog suddenly appeared in front of him.

As the fog thickened, dense "hissing" sounds gradually sounded from the ground.

Feng Yu was startled, and quickly lowered her head to look, only to see that there were snakes everywhere on the ground covered by white mist, and she didn't know where these snakes came from.

Of course, Xin Moge also heard it, and quickly grabbed Feng Yu's wrist, and led Feng Yu to stand in mid-air, at least half an arm's distance from the ground, avoiding the snakes on the ground that raised their heads.

The rest of the people also quickly jumped up and stood in mid-air.

At this time, a trace of black air suddenly merged into the white mist, and the black air spread around like a puff of poisonous smoke.

Feng Yu hurriedly held her breath, and then realized that Xin Moge couldn't see, he might not have realized it, so she quickly reminded Xin Moge: "There is black air, it may be poisonous."

Xin Moge had already noticed it, and also held his breath.For those who practice martial arts, they can generally hold their breath for a long time.And the higher the martial arts, the longer the breath holding time.Feng Yu didn't know martial arts at all, after holding the screen for a while, she couldn't help it, so she pulled her sleeves to cover her mouth and nose and began to breathe.

At this moment, the surrounding area is pitch black, and you can't see your fingers.

Xin Moge noticed Feng Yu's actions, and after a moment of silence, he judged the situation and took advantage of the fact that he had just gone up the mountain and there was not much way to go up, so he took Feng Yu and jumped down the mountain.

A group of people heard the voice and hurriedly followed.

After about a stick of incense, everyone returned to the foot of the mountain, all safe and sound, except Feng Yu.

Although Feng Yu covered her mouth and nose with her sleeve, she still inhaled some black air more or less, and her whole body was a little dizzy. She stretched out her hand and grabbed Xin Moge's sleeve tightly without knowing it.

Xin Moge frowned slightly, then turned around and got into the carriage with Feng Yu, and ordered to leave.

Lai Yang on the top of the mountain was waiting for his subordinates to go back to report the good news, thinking that everyone must be trapped, but he didn't expect that the subordinate's report was "everyone has left".

Lao Yang was furious, and the teacup in her hand suddenly hit the ground with force.Perhaps, he was a little too hasty, and he should turn on the switch when those people are almost halfway through, so that they can't go back the same way.But, don't worry, Qin Hua is in his hands, and he expects Fengyu will come again soon.

In Anli City, in the room of one of the inns.

Xin Moge put Feng Yu down who had passed out, and felt Feng Yu's pulse.He is also good at medicine, and has become a doctor after a long illness.It's just that his medical skills are naturally far inferior to Qin Hua's, but they are still comparable to ordinary doctors, and he ordered people to follow his prescription to get the medicine back.

At this time, through the open window, on the downstairs street facing the window, there were several clear sounds of horseshoes, and then the sounds of horseshoes stopped suddenly, followed by a faint voice, "My lord, When you leave the city, you will find the Valley of the Poison King in front of you. Now that it’s already dark, why don’t you rest here for a night?”

From behind, there was no more sound.

Xin Moge sat at the table and sipped tea, waiting for the person who went to grab the medicine to get it back.

Soon, only a few footsteps were heard outside the door, and it was obvious that the group who rode their horses and stopped just now had moved into this inn.

Xin Moge was silent.A moment later, a black shadow entered the room instantly, and told Xin Moge, "Young master, the emperor suddenly called Prince Yu back a few days ago. On the way, Prince Yu heard that Lai Yang was not dead, and returned to the Valley of the Poison King. Suddenly transferred here halfway, and now I live in the next room."

After the man in black finished speaking, he left instantly as he had entered.

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