Bright secret room.

Hua Xunse, who was locked by the iron chain, chattered non-stop, "I said, can you stop looking and open the lock for me first?"

"I said, can you look back at me? It's easier for two people to find the way than for one."

"I said, did you hear what I said?"

"I say……"

Facing Hua Xunse with her back turned, looking for mechanisms on the stone wall, Feng Yu, who wanted to open the stone gate, frowned again and again, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned her head and glared at Hua Xunse and said: "Who told you that you were accidentally caught?" ? Besides, I don't have the ability to untie the chains on your arms."

" think I want to be arrested!" Hua Xunse was also annoyed, "Besides, you haven't seen it yet, how do you know you can't drive it?"

"Even if I could drive it, I don't want to drive it for you. Tell me, why did you suddenly appear when I was out of the city that morning?" Facing Hua Xunse's anger, Feng Yu, who was originally angry, suddenly smiled instead of anger, taking time off Looking at the flowers intently, he took the opportunity to ask about the events of that day.As for what happened that day, Feng Yu never asked about it before, it doesn't mean Feng Yu has forgotten or didn't pursue it.

"I...I...I'm worried about you. I haven't left all this time. I know you will definitely come, so I've been waiting for you. "

While speaking, Hua Xunse's eyes obviously dodged a little, not daring to meet Feng Yu's eyes.

In fact, these words, Hua Xunse is not completely lying.That day, he and Wanwan were in the "Valley of the Poison King", and never expected that Lai Yang would suddenly come back alive.The two of them were naturally no match for Lao Yang, and he finally fled down the mountain with Wan Wan.Afterwards, Wanwan left alone, and he stayed in the nearby city to have fun, and by the way, passed a letter from Feige to Fengyu, telling Fengyu what had happened.Afterwards, that is, the night before that day, Xin Moge's people suddenly found him, and arrested him to see Xin Moge without saying a word.He had no choice but to follow Xin Moge's orders.As for the traps on the mountain, he had heard Wanwan tell those people in the "Valley of the Poison King" before, and almost remembered them all. He only told Xin Moge once, and Xin Moge quickly came up with a solution. He secretly sent someone to assist him, so he could go up so smoothly and save Qin Hua down again.

Fengyu saw Hua Xunsei's expression completely, and didn't believe a word of Hua Xunsei's words, and said coldly: "Since you don't want to say it, then just lock it up like this."

"I... everything I said is true, why don't you believe it? Hey, please, find a way to unlock it quickly, my arms are numb from being hung..." Listening to Feng Yu's words , and then seeing Fengyu turning her back and continuing to look for the agency, ignoring him, Hua Xunse couldn't help feeling a little anxious.It can be seen that the matter of Xin Moge and following Xin Moge's orders cannot be said to Feng Yu, because that person is really too powerful, he is very scary.

Fengyu ignored the flowers and looked for color, and continued to search up and down the stone wall carefully, and must get out as soon as possible.

For a long time, I don't know where Feng Yu suddenly pressed, but Feng Yu accidentally knocked and opened the stone door.

Hua Xunse watched, afraid that Feng Yuzhen would leave him alone if he left, so she hurriedly said: "Hey, I said, don't really abandon me. Otherwise, don't blame me..." Shaking out everything about you ...

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