...But after going back and forth many times, Hua Ning was not able to see her.

Today, when I heard that the queen mother announced that Xin Wang Xin Haoyan and Xin Moge would enter the palace together, and soon after hearing that the queen mother personally bestowed a marriage on Xin Moge with "Hua Yu", Hua Ning felt more and more excited. A feeling of being robbed of "something" that belongs to you.Xin Moge originally belonged to her, even if she Hua Ning didn't want it, others couldn't take it away, so she immediately rushed to the Palace of Compassion and Ning, wanting to make Murong Ji take back the decree.But when he arrived at the Palace of Compassion, he didn't see Murong Ji. Later, he heard that "Hua Yu" was resting in the side hall, so he walked over directly, and stood at the entrance of the hall just to hear Xu Nanny's "explaining".

After Feng Yu glanced at Hua Ning, she looked away, and continued to close her eyes with her hands on her forehead.

Seeing Feng Yu's actions, Hua Ning felt that Feng Yu was ignoring her, so he was furious, and strode past Mother Xu who came to salute, and walked straight to Feng Yu who was on the bamboo couch, and said arrogantly: "The palace Don’t you understand the rules? You’re not polite or kneeling when you see me?” A long time ago, there was a generation when there was no queen in the palace, so the princesses usually called themselves “Bengong”, but now there are queens in the palace. Now, the queen calls herself "Ben Gong", so naturally, as a princess, she can no longer use the word "Ben Gong". This is an unwritten rule in the palace today.

"You are a princess, and I am also a princess. I don't know which rule Princess Hua Ning is talking about. I need to kneel down to salute you?" Feng Yu replied calmly.

"You..." Hua Ning became more and more annoyed, he raised his hand and slapped Feng Yu, wanting to let out the anger in his heart first.

Feng Yu reacted quickly and moved away sideways, her face turned slightly cold.

Hua Ning's slap failed, and he was naturally very unwilling, so he took a step forward to hit Feng Yu again.

Feng Yu looked at it, her complexion became colder, she quickly grabbed the hand that Hua Ning threw over, and pushed Hua Ning onto the bamboo couch, then got up coldly and got off the ground, walking towards the dressing table without a trace. Unceremoniously ordered to chase away guests: "Princess Hua Ning, please don't insult your identity, I advise you to go back and rest earlier."

Pushed by Feng Yu, Hua Ning fell onto the bamboo couch, sweeping away the stack of books and picture albums placed at the end of the bamboo couch.

Books and picture albums fell to the ground in disorder, some were closed, some were opened...all of them fell into Hua Ning's eyes.

Hua Ning's face turned red in an instant, and the words that the old nun said to her a few months ago before she got married suddenly flashed in her mind unconsciously.At that time, she didn't want to marry Xin Moge at all, so she didn't want to hear anything from Mammy, so she kicked Mammy out.Could it be that this is what Mammy wanted to tell her at that time?

I have always been in the palace, the rules in the palace have always been strict, I have almost never seen a man's body, and the paintings on the album are so explicit... The next moment, Hua Ning got up, ignoring the anger in his heart, almost lost his mind escape.


Outside the main hall of the "Palace of Mercy Ning", in the empty courtyard, in the setting sun, Xin Moge stood alone with his hands behind his back.

Just now, he came back with Murong Ji, and Murong Ji wanted to keep him for dinner in the "Palace of Mercy Ning".When entering the gate of the palace, a court lady suddenly ran over and whispered something to Murong Ji, and Murong Ji asked his father-in-law to take him into the palace first, and she went to see if she had something to do.

After Murong Ji left, Xin Moge didn't want to enter the hall, so he stood in the courtyard outside the hall, ready to stand for a while, and then go in later.

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