Hua Ning looked at it, his whole face couldn't help turning red, and his mind was slowly once again occupied by the books, picture albums and pictures on the picture albums he saw yesterday.

Generally speaking, people always have a kind of "curiosity" and an instinctive "exploration desire" for new, strange, novel and taboo "things".

The picture on the picture book, the naked body of the man and the woman, the "object" under the man inserted into the woman's body... all of this is to Hua Ning , are all new, unfamiliar, and novel, which have already aroused Hua Ning's "curiosity" and "exploration desire", coupled with the fact that he is in her prime, so from yesterday to today there is always some I can't help but think about that, those pictures can't help but haunt Hua Ning.

The next moment, Hua Ning couldn't help looking at Xin Moge's lower body covered by the quilt, and his face couldn't stop turning redder.

Jing Cui followed Hua Ning all the way here, but she didn't follow Hua Ning to the "Palace of Compassionate Ning" yesterday, so she doesn't know what happened in the "Palace of Compassionate Ning", so she can't miss the change in the expression on Hua Ning's face at this moment Taking a panoramic view, he immediately and keenly realized that Hua Ning should be tempted by Xin Moge, no wonder he was so angry that "Hua Yu" took away her "things".It's just that she didn't stay with Hua Ning for half a day yesterday, why did Hua Ning suddenly fall in love with Xin Moge?Among them, will it be too fast?However, this is not what Jing Cui should think about.

The steward of Prince Yu's Mansion followed closely, and quickly reported Hua Ning's identity to Xin Moge.

Xin Moge listened, and said indifferently: "I don't know if the princess is coming, but I am far away to welcome her, and I hope the princess will forgive me." After saying that, Xin Moge lifted the quilt on his body and got up.

"You're sick, don't get up." Hua Ning came to his senses at this moment, and hurried over, trying to stop Xin Moge from getting up.

When Xin Moge heard what Hua Ning said, he didn't move any more, and asked indifferently: "I don't know the princess came suddenly, what's the matter?"

"This...I...I'm..." Hua Ning stammered, not knowing how to speak...

Jing Cui on the side has always been the most observant, and after seeing this scene, she immediately hinted that the housekeeper and the two servants in the room would go out with her.

The housekeeper felt that something was wrong, so he left the "Plum Garden" after leaving the room, and went to report to Cang Yueyu.

The two servants went out with Jing Cui and waited outside the door together.

After a while—

Hua Ning ran out of the room angrily, and left without looking back, as if he had been "wronged".

Jing Cui hurriedly followed, she already knew the answer without asking, and persuaded: "Princess, don't be angry, it will be bad for your health if you get angry. Jing Cui thought, it must be because this incident was so sudden, that's why he took it for a while. I can't accept the princess, not because I don't like the princess. As long as the princess gives him a little more time to think about it, trust him..."

"What are you thinking? Who's going to give him time! He...he doesn't know good from bad. It's his luck that I see him..."

Hua Ning stopped suddenly, turned around and got angry at Jing Cui.

Jing Cui nodded quickly, and echoed Hua Ning's words: "What the princess said is true. The princess's liking for him is a blessing he has cultivated in three lifetimes. Princess, since he is so ignorant of good and bad, then should we..."

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