Feng Yu was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Xin Moge to let her go suddenly, then she sat up quickly, while frantically pulling up the clothes on her body which were obviously messy, while looking at Xin Moge's back warily...

After drinking a cup of cold tea, Xin Moge sat down at the table and said calmly, "Princess Huayu, I have offended you."

is he all right?Feng Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then immediately got out of bed, and walked towards the closed door in three steps at a time, all she wanted was to leave this place immediately, only by leaving this place could she be truly safe, As he walked, he said: "Since the prince is fine, I'm leaving. Presumably the prince doesn't want others to know what happened today, right? Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense." The implication is that Feng Yu actually wanted Xin Moge not to talk nonsense. .

Could it be that Xin Moge couldn't hear it, he pursed his lips and didn't speak, listening to Feng Yu open the door and run out.

The next moment, Xin Moge directly ordered: "Come on, keep an eye on me secretly, and report immediately if there is any situation."

"Yes!" A man in black appeared in response and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Outside the plum garden——

Feng Yu who ran out of the plum garden saw Cang Yueyu's subordinate who sent her to Xin Moge's room under Cang Yueyu's order.

That Cang Yueyu's subordinate had been ordered to guard outside the plum garden. Seeing Fengyu running out, he immediately stepped forward to stop Fengyu, and said coldly to Fengyu: "Princess Huayu, the prince said..."

"Don't worry, Xin Moge is fine now. Why don't you go and see for yourself?" Feng Yu interrupted, feeling extremely annoyed in her heart, but she had a smile on her face.At this moment, she is not as good as Cang Yueyu, Murong Ji, or Cang Jingtian, no matter in terms of power or other things. Once she tears her face, it doesn't seem to do her any good. They must have expected this and thought it was already done. He held her firmly in his hands, thinking that she could no longer escape from their grasp.However, the dog jumped over the wall in a hurry.

Hearing the words, the person who blocked Feng Yu hesitated for a moment, and slowly lowered the hand that was blocking Feng Yu.

Feng Yu immediately walked around the person blocking the way and left quickly.


It is night, the night is dead.

Cang Yueyu, who went to "Li City", has not returned yet, and is still looking for Feng Yu's whereabouts in "Li City".

Feng Yu in the town garden of Prince Yu's Mansion has locked herself in her room since returning to her room in the afternoon, and went to bed early to "sleep", and the room was pitch black.

Hua Xunse, who had been free and easy outside for a few days, arrived quietly, and then quietly entered Fengyu's room, and directly whispered to Fengyu who was sitting on the bed without moving or making a sound: " You suddenly signaled me to come, what's the matter?"

"Take me quietly into the palace immediately." Seeing Hua Xunse approaching, Feng Yu said directly as she got up and got off the ground.

Hua Xunse froze for a moment, "Sneaking into the palace at this time? What do you want to do?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"I'm curious. If you don't ask, don't ask. Why are you angry with me?" Hua Xunse pouted, then took Fengyu out of the window, and quietly entered the palace with Fengyu.

In the middle of the night, the palace was brightly lit, there were guards everywhere, and there were rows of people patrolling with knives everywhere, and every place was strictly guarded.

"Where are you going now?" In mid-air, Hua Xunse, who brought Fengyu into the palace with lightness kung fu, asked in a low voice.

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