"I...I really want to see him for the last time..." Feng Yu interrupted Xue Yi.

"Young lady..."

"Xueyi, please..." Feng Yu interrupted Xueyi again, holding Xueyi's hand tightly, and when she said these words, she was already extremely weak.

Seeing Feng Yu's appearance and complexion, Xue Yi felt extremely anxious, and couldn't help stammering, "Young madam, you...you wait, I'll ask Xue Fang right now. If Xue Fang agrees, I...I'll go out and find the prince right away." After speaking, Xue Yi broke away from Feng Yu's hand that was holding her tightly, then quickly got up and ran out, and ran to the kitchen to find Xue Fang who was taking the anti-fetal medicine.


In the kitchen, the lights are bright.

Xuefang was busy dispensing anti-fetal drugs, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen suddenly.

Xueyi came in a hurry, and as soon as she stepped on the threshold of the kitchen, she opened her mouth and said: "Xuefang, young lady...she said she couldn't do it anymore, she wanted to see the young master immediately, and wanted me to go out to find the young master and come back."

Xuefang, who was already in a hurry, accidentally knocked over several herbs, and quickly replied to what Xueyi said: "Go out to find the young master? Of course it won't work! Just send a letter to the young master right away." It's gone." Said Xuefang, squatting down to pick up the herbs on the ground.

"But, what if something happens to the pigeon halfway? Can't reach the young master's hands?" What Wan Wan said is not completely impossible, and she has to consider it, Xue Yi quickly approached Xue Fang and said.

"Then put a few more pigeons, anyway, there are quite a few homing pigeons, if you don't believe that every one of them has accidents." Xuefang said.

"Then what if? The young master treats her so differently. If something happens, how can we afford the consequences? The young master will definitely kill us. Xuefang, we can't take this risk. I think After that, let me go out and find the young master myself."

Xuefang stood up quickly, "Xueyi, do you really want to do this? Why do I feel that this is a bit strange? When the young master left, he told us that we must take good care of the young lady and never let the young lady come out of here."

"I know what you are suspecting. I know you are worried that all this is actually the young lady's plan. However, this is just our suspicion. What if it is not? We can't take the risk. This Bet, we have to gamble. Otherwise, if something happens to her, the young master will never forgive us."

Xuefang was silent for a while, and after a while, she nodded lightly, being moved by Xueyi's words.

But even so, Xuefang still motioned Xueyi to put her ears close to her, and whispered to Xueyi in a voice that only Xueyi and herself could hear: "Well, let's split up, you go alone first At the exit, I will go to see the young lady. If the young lady is actually tricking, if she wants to go out, she will immediately stun me, and then follow your footsteps and try to follow you out. If she is not tricking, then It won't do anything to me. Just wait for a while at the exit. If I go to find you, it means nothing is wrong. If I don't show up for a long time, something must have happened and I can't go. In this way, you You must not open the mechanism and go out, you must come back immediately."

After hearing this, Xueyi nodded.

The next moment, Xue Yi and Xue Fang split up.


Regarding the content of the memories of the previous two chapters, I would like to explain here:

In the past few days, there have been messages from relatives saying that they almost forgot the previous content. I once asked relatives to look back.But after I said it, some people still left such remarks, so I temporarily decided to insert two chapters of memories for everyone to recall a little bit.Everyone follows this article because they like it.And since I like it, I hope everyone can give me more trust, I believe that I will not let everyone down.

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