outside the exit—

The moonlight was bright, the wind was blowing cold, the field of vision was empty, and Xueyi was no longer there.

After Feng Yu looked around, she turned to each other: "It should be out now, let's choose a direction to go. After we go out, we will part ways."

Wan Wan nodded, looked around as well, and asked, "Then, which direction should we choose to go now?"

"Well, let's go this way." Feng Yu quickly chose a direction.

Bend has no objection.

--------Boundary line--------

At the same time, on the other side, Xin Moge, who had been away for a month, had already rushed back yesterday. He just missed the "Tell him that Fengyu is happy" letter sent by Xueyi. At the entrance of an entering waterfall, it is about to enter.

in the valley.

Xuefang, who had fainted at the exit, woke up leisurely, flustered for no reason, and hurriedly got up to go back to see if Fengyu was still in the room.

In the brightly lit room with the door open, there was nothing but the blood-stained white clothes on the ground.

Xuefang froze all over, and her complexion immediately turned pale.

Footsteps came at this moment.

Xuefang looked back reflexively, and after seeing the person coming, her complexion turned pale again, and she knelt down with a "bang", trembling and stammering: "Young...Young Master..."

"Where are people?" Xin Moge, who had come directly to the room after entering the valley, asked with a blank expression.

"Young...Young Madam, she..." Xuefang stammered even more.

"My words, don't let me say it a second time!" Xin Moge, who was keenly aware that something must have happened in an instant, remained expressionless, with obvious impatience in his voice, and the hand behind him slowly Clenched into a fist.

Xuefang trembled all of a sudden, cold sweat broke out immediately, she wanted to run away instinctively, she lowered her head and said quickly: "Young madam...Young madam is her design, slaves and Xueyi are worried about young madam's body, afraid of young madam and young madam There is something wrong with the baby in my womb, so..."

child?Xin Moge was taken aback!

Xuefang continued, "That's why Xueyi went out to find the young master. The young lady... she's afraid... I'm afraid..."

Xin Moge's mind was completely occupied by the word "child". He didn't listen to what Xuefang said later, and he couldn't think for the first time.He hadn't thought about the child's question before.However, thinking about it now, it doesn't seem to be bad, and even a little heart-wrenching.

"Young master, spare me, this servant deserves to die..." Xue Fang quickly kowtowed her head vigorously, hitting the ground again and again, as if she didn't feel any pain at all.

Although Xin Moge didn't listen to what Xuefang said later, it was not difficult to guess, and he didn't expect that she would use such a method to escape here.If something happened to the child, if she dared to hurt his child, he would never forgive her.

The next moment, Xin Moge walked away, he didn't have time to deal with Xuefang, and immediately sent people to dig three feet to find Fengyu.

--------Boundary line--------

In the silent night, in the mountains and forests, the howling of tigers and wolves is especially clear.

As Feng Yu and Wan Wan were walking, they naturally heard the voices coming from all directions.

Wan Wan was a little scared, clenched his hands under his sleeves unconsciously, and couldn't help but said, "Feng Yu, why don't we find a place to stay overnight and leave tomorrow morning?"

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