One of them immediately took the empty small porcelain bottle and went back to report to Xin Moge, while the rest scattered around and continued to search, each well-trained.

Feng Yu used lightness skills to lead Wan Wan away, and after flying for a while, she felt exhausted, so she led Wan Wan to stop under a big tree.

"Your complexion is a bit bad, are you okay?" Fengyu's paleness and weakness before were all pretended to deceive Xueyi and Xuefang, but at this moment, there is no need to deceive Xueyi and Xuefang, but Feng Yu's complexion was still pale.Wan Wan realized this belatedly, and immediately asked worriedly and concernedly.

"It's just that I cut my left hand earlier and bled a little too much. It's fine. I'll just rest." Feng Yu panted slightly, and shook her head at Wan Wan.

Hearing what Feng Yu said, Wan Wan didn't say anything else, and began to look around, trying to see where he was right now.

"Someone is coming." Suddenly, Feng Yu grabbed Wan Wan, and then dodged to hide in the jungle with him.

The next moment, the person who came here walked past the place where Feng Yu and Wan Wan had just stood.

"What should I do? It should be his people, and his people are here."

In the jungle, Wan Wan held his breath for a while, and after the person he was looking for left, he asked Feng Yu in a very low voice.

Feng Yu was silent for a long time, knowing that those people outside were all looking for her.If she and Wan Wan continue to be together, it will only hurt Wan Wan, and neither of them can leave.As for separation, first of all, Wan Wan won't be implicated by her, and secondly, it will be much more convenient for her to escape alone.

After some thought, separation would be good for everyone, Feng Yu said bluntly: "There's no need to wait until we get out, we'll part ways now."

Wan Wan didn't speak, and his face was somewhat unclear in the darkness covered by the jungle branches and leaves.

"Goodbye, be careful yourself. By the way, I leave this dagger for your self-defense." Before Wan Wan could speak, Feng Yu stuffed the dagger she was wearing into Wan Wan's hand, and then got up and left without the slightest hesitation. go.

Wan Wan immediately clenched the dagger in his hand, and left in a completely different direction after a while.

Feng Yu didn't look back, she kept going forward all the way, she quickly dodged to avoid the person she was looking for, and hurried on her way when she saw the person she was looking for leaving.

A snow-white figure stood gracefully on a branch, his clothes fluttering under the moonlight, while "overlooking" the surroundings, he listened to all the movements around him with strong inner strength.A few black figures that almost blended into the night stood around the white figure, their sharp eyes closely watching all the movements around them.

Suddenly, one of the black figures noticed something, and immediately told the white figure: "Young Master, there are people in the east and west, it should be Young Madam."

The white figure, that is, Xin Moge, immediately "looked" in the direction the black-clothed figure said.

In the next moment, his figure flickered, and Xin Moge followed closely.

Feng Yu has been paying attention to the situation around her, and has been very cautious, but she doesn't pay attention to the situation in mid-air at all. Seeing someone in front of her again, she quickly dodges and hides behind the big tree next to her.

At the moment Feng Yu dodged and hid behind the big tree, one hand pinched Feng Yu's wrist accurately.

Unexpectedly, Fengyu was startled for a moment, and hurriedly looked sideways.

"Where do you want to escape?"

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