The shopkeeper hurriedly said: " said that girl is your apprentice, and you said that we have been drugged like them, so you must have an antidote?"

"Of course, I have any antidote on me. But, the extra money from my apprentice?"

"Give it to him quickly, give it all to him." The shopkeeper hurriedly said to the waiter.

The shop clerk barely raised his strength, and hastily handed over the bank note that he had received from Xin Moge not long ago.

After the person stopped took the bank note, he gave two pills, turned around and left.

The shopkeeper and the waiter hurriedly took the medicine.

Outside, the guards who fell on the ground and those who were closer to the inn vaguely heard the conversation in the inn, and quickly got up to stop the man.But in the blink of an eye, there was no trace of the man, and he didn't even know which direction he was going.Obviously, the man's lightness kung fu has reached its peak.

The man who successfully extorted the money left the town with the banknotes and the jug of wine.

After the shopkeeper and the waiter took the medicine, they felt refreshed immediately, and nothing happened.

-----------Boundary line-----------

On the hillside outside the town——

Xin Moge put Feng Yu down, turned around and spit out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably, his face pale.

Feng Yu was startled, and quickly felt Xin Moge's pulse.The pulse coming from under the fingertips was disorganized and weak, and the poison from before was still there, and had not been removed, "How could this be?"

Xin Moge turned his head sideways again, and couldn't help spitting out another big mouthful of blood.If it wasn't for being poisoned, how could Cang Yueyu be his opponent.

"How are you? It's all because I'm not good at learning, I..."

"Do you think that any poison is so easy to detox?" A voice from behind interrupted abruptly, and Cang Yueyu, who was chasing him, landed not far away, with an obvious sneer on his face.

Feng Yu looked over, and the look of boredom flashed across her brows.

Xin Moge wiped away the strand of blood from the corner of his lips, pulled Feng Yu behind him, and faced Cang Yueyu again.

Cang Yueyu watched, "Feng Yu, this king has given you so many chances, but you didn't know what to do. Today, this king personally killed him in front of you, let's see what else you can do. "As soon as the words fell, he slammed at Xin Moge with a murderous palm, stirring up dust.

Xin Moge used his strength and faced him with a palm.

Feng Yu has only just learned martial arts, she has only learned a little lightness kung fu, she can't get involved in the confrontation between Cang Yueyu and Xin Moge, she is extremely worried, Yi Xinmoge's current body, and what is in his body He should never use force again.Once force is used, it will only speed up the invasion of toxins into the internal organs, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Suddenly, seeing Xin Moge vomit blood again, and Cang Yueyu took the opportunity to hit Xin Moge directly with his palm, Feng Yu didn't think about it, bent down, grabbed a handful of sand and stones, and flew forward, using the sand without hesitation. His own body was in front of Xin Moge.

What Cang Yueyu said before, "You think this king still cares about you", are actually all angry words.If he doesn't care, if he doesn't like it, how can he keep chasing after her.At this moment, seeing Fengyu rushing forward to block Xin Moge so recklessly, Cang Yueyu hastily withdrew her palm.

At this moment, the sand and stones that Feng Yu was holding were vigorously thrown towards Cang Yue Yu's eyes.

Unexpectedly, Cang Yueyu felt a sharp pain in her eyes, and quickly backed away.

The next moment, when Cang Yueyu's eyes recovered, there was nothing left in front of him.

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