After walking into the corridor, the hall is directly opposite, and the two sides of the hall are houses.

From the corridor to the hall directly opposite, there is a rectangular flat depression. The depression is about four or five feet long, three feet wide, and about the height of a person’s knee. There is a flat straight road paved with stone bricks in the center. Not a single blade of grass grows on the left and right sides.

Looking around at a glance, the whole villa is nothing special except for the fish in the lake just now.

"This stone brick road is straight, and you can't go there either. You have to fly over there. I'll take you to the lobby first."

In the hall, apart from the relatively high beams and columns and the relatively empty overall layout, there is nothing special about it, just like an ordinary hall.

"Wait here a little longer, I'll go see him and see if he is willing to see you." Zhuo Yizi said, put down the food box in his hand, turned and left.

After Zhuo Yizi left, Feng Yu asked Xin Moge, "Do you already know who that person is?"

"If nothing else happens, he should be Duguqiong, the master of Qin Hua and Lai Yang."

"The master of Qin Hua and Lai Yang?" Feng Yu asked in surprise, not expecting it.

At this time, Zhuo Yizi who had just left came back.

"He's not here, he should have gone out to find something to eat, you guys..."

"That person, isn't it?" Just as Zhuo Yizi was speaking, Feng Yu suddenly caught a glimpse of a person sitting on the arch bridge that came over just now.When did that person appear, and where did he come from, I don't know.From the back, he seems to be feeding the fish.As for that back view, I don't know if it was Feng Yu's illusion, Feng Yu felt that it seemed a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.By the way, it's the inn, the person sitting in the corner in the inn in the small town yesterday afternoon.

Zhuo Yizi looked over, "It's him. Wait for me here, I'll go over and have a look."

A while later, Zhuo Yizi came back again, and said to Feng Yu and Xin Moge: "I talked to him for a long time, but he ignored me. I think he seems to be in a bad mood today. You should still go tomorrow." Come again, and you'd better bring food with you when you come."


Zhuo Yizi nodded, "There is a bamboo hut in the green bamboo grove that I passed just now. That bamboo hut is vacant all year round. You can stay there for one night and come back tomorrow. I have something to do and I need to leave first. I will come back when I am free." Come here. Now, let's get out of here first."

After listening to Zhuo Yizi's words, Feng Yu looked towards the arch bridge again, there was nothing there, and the person who appeared just now seemed to be elusive.

-------Boundary line-------

In the green bamboo forest.

The bamboo hut is very simple, and it can be seen that no one has lived in it for a long time.

Zhuo Yizi did have something to do, took Fengyu and Xin Moge to the bamboo house and left.When he was leaving, he looked back at Xin Moge one more time, and his red lips curled slightly.

Inside the bamboo house, Fengyu looked inside and out, up and down, and found that although the bamboo house is very simple, but there are rooms and a kitchen, overall it is not bad, and said to Xin Moge: "Since you said That person is very likely to be the master of Qin Hua and Lao Yang, so he will definitely be able to cure your poison. Maybe he can also heal your eyes." Xin Moge said before that his eyes are now ok Seeing a very faint ray of light, Feng Yu believed that the chance of recovering her sight should be great.

"That depends on whether he is willing to make a move." Xin Moge's tone was calm, his expression unclear.


At night, Feng Yu, who had cleaned up the whole bamboo house, was so exhausted that she fell back on the bamboo bed, not wanting to move.

Xin Moge walked in and walked towards Fengyu on the bamboo bed.

Feng Yu, who was lying on the bamboo bed, saw Xin Moge getting closer and closer, so she sat up quickly and was about to get off the ground.

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