Feng Yu rarely heard Xin Moge say so many words in one breath.

"Tomorrow, I will see him again for my husband. As you said, as long as my husband asks him to agree, you will agree to whatever my husband asks you to do, and you will never go back on your word." Xin Moge continued, provoking Feng Yu while speaking. jaw.

Feng Yu met Xin Moge's face with a glance, and felt a slight movement in her heart. She has been missing him very much for more than half a month.

"Miss me?" Xin Moge asked immediately, with the hand that was on Feng Yu's chin, his fingertips gently stroked Feng Yu's chin, and before Feng Yu could reply, he lowered his head and kissed her.Her beauty made him taste the marrow.

Fengyu's heartbeat suddenly missed half a beat, and she opened her mouth to say something, not wanting to be taken advantage of by Xin Moge.

With Feng Yu's slightly opened mouth, Xin Moge easily pried Feng Yu's lips open, domineering and driving straight in. At the same time, he took a step forward and pressed Feng Yu tightly against the green bamboo behind Feng Yu, Then continue to deepen this kiss.

After a long time-

When Feng Yu was out of breath, Xin Moge raised his head, and gently rubbed the corners of Feng Yu's moist lips with his fingertips.

Fengyu blushed a little, and quickly stretched out her hand to push Xin Moge's hand away, then suddenly thought of something, she grabbed Xin Moge's hand instead, and said, "Didn't you say before that you would teach me martial arts yourself?"

"At this time, do you think it's appropriate to talk about this?" Xin Moge asked without answering.

"Why is it inappropriate. I just practiced well, but you suddenly interrupted me. Why, don't you think you should make up for it?"

"I think I should first make up for the days when I left." Xin Moge slightly curled his lips, obviously meaning something.

"Leave as soon as you leave, off...it's none of my business, who wants you to make up for it." Feng Yu quickly replied.

"Duplicity, really don't need me to 'compensate'?" Xin Moge spoiled.

Feng Yu turned her head abruptly and said nothing.

Xin Moge stretched out his hand and rubbed Feng Yu's long hair, then took out a jade pendant chain from his sleeve, put it on for Feng Yu himself, and instructed: "From now on, wear it every day, and don't take it off at any time. "

Fengyu was a little curious, and while reaching out to pick it up to look carefully, she asked, "Why?"

"Just take it with you." Xin Moge didn't want to say more.Actually, is there much to say?This was the first thing he gave her, so he naturally hoped that she would carry it with her every day.

After Fengyu heard this, she took a closer look.I saw that the pendant was very small, only the size of a little finger of a human being, and it was worn by a red string. It was white and crystal clear without any impurities. It felt warm when touched by the hand, and the pattern of snow lotus was engraved on it.The "Millennium Snow Lotus", Feng Yu had gone to the "Valley of the Poison King" to get it before, so naturally she remembered it.

Suddenly, Feng Yu's eyes flashed, "If you want me to carry it every day, it's fine, but you must teach me martial arts first tonight, and every day after that."

"Talk to me about the conditions?" Xin Moge smiled slightly, flashing a dangerous light.

"Then do you agree or not? If you don't agree, I'll take it off now. I don't like wearing such extra things around my neck. It's troublesome and cumbersome." Feng Yu said, as if she was about to take off the scarf on her neck. chain.

Xin Moge stretched out his hand to hold it down, "compromised" and said: "Okay, I promise you."

"You said it yourself." Feng Yu was delighted, and then asked expectantly: "What are you going to teach me first?"

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