Xin Moge was also wearing obscene clothes and trousers, he had already woken up before Feng Yu woke up, but he just lay there without moving.

Feng Yu got up quickly, her legs were still unavoidably sore and weak the moment she landed on the ground, she gritted her teeth and endured it, took the neatly folded suit and quickly put it on, and combed her long hair.

Xin Moge then got up and went to the ground, slowly put on his clothes and tied his belt.


An hour later, Xin Moge accompanied Feng Yu, and together with Feng Yu, they went to the villa to meet Dugu Qiong in the villa.

Zhuo Yizi hadn't gone back since her hasty arrival the night before, and she was already waiting in the villa at this moment.Now that Duguqiong has already agreed, and since the matter is already like this and cannot be changed, why not accept it with a smile, and besides, she doesn't really want to fall out with Xin Moge, because she is very interested in him, even "seeing him" He's gone", Feng Yu is not good enough for him at all.

After Feng Yu and Xin Moge arrived at the villa together, they entered the villa together.

"Apprenticeship" is actually just a ceremony, which is to let Dugu Qiong admit Feng Yu's identity, so Dugu Qiong will naturally teach Feng Yu.

For the next time, Feng Yu stayed in the villa for almost half of the time, inseparable from Dugu Qiong, and occasionally went out with Dugu Qiong to collect herbs.Since Dugu Qiong accepted Feng Yu, although it was because of being threatened, the facts are already like this, and Dugu Qiong really wanted to have a real heir to inherit everything from him, so of course he would not hide his secrets. This includes Dugu Qiong's medical skills, poison skills and martial arts.

When going to bed at night, sometimes Feng Yu fell asleep almost as soon as she lay down, Xin Moge wanted to "want it", but she had no choice but to give up.

And when Fengyu was concentrating on studying with Duguqiong, Zhuo Yizi, who hadn't left all this time, often went to find Xin Moge.The colder Xin Moge was and the more he ignored him, the more interested Zhuo Yizi was.Over the years, based on Zhuo Yizi's identity, family background and appearance, there are many men she likes, and the kind of man who dismisses her will naturally make her want to conquer.And the harder it is to conquer, the more interested it will be.


On this day, he left with Dugu Qiong to gather medicine, and after picking Fengyu for two full days, he came back with Dugu Qiong.

After a month, Feng Yu was able to descend the cliff by herself.Of course, there is another prerequisite, that is, you need to borrow the long vine on the cliff.

The moment Fengyu landed on the ground, Fengyu looked up, and the hot noon sun shone down, Fengyu suddenly became dizzy, and her whole body couldn't stop shaking. Fortunately, she finally supported the stone wall with quick eyesight and hands, so she didn't fall down. .

Dugu Qiong glanced sideways at Feng Yu, and walked forward alone, thinking that Feng Yu's dizziness and slightly pale complexion just now were due to the fact that she didn't handle the herbs that were picked this time, and said while walking: "This Some of the medicines picked up this time are highly poisonous, I told you to be careful."

Feng Yu also thought the same way, thinking that she had accidentally been poisoned by the herbs she picked, so she followed Dugu Qiong in front of her with the medicine basket in her left hand, and took her own pulse with her right hand, thinking about her situation, and giving herself some medicine later. Drink it with medicine.

The pulse coming from under the fingertips, Feng Yu freezes in place in an instant, it is the pulse of joy, not poisoning.

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