Feng Yu frowned, her face remained expressionless, "Zhuo Yizi, you know how Master has treated you all these years, you know best in your heart. Ask yourself, why is Master poisoned? Isn't it because he was defenseless against you? Now, Don't you feel ashamed of him lying unconscious like this? Don't you think it's mean? Your conscience, don't you want to go? "

Zhuo Yizi's original plan was to find a suitable opportunity to take the antidote to Duguqiong after successfully provoking the relationship between Fengyu and Xin Moge, and then after Duguqiong woke up, begged Duguqiong to look at her. For her mother's sake, don't tell the truth of the matter.In the end, the matter was naturally and satisfactorily resolved, and nothing would happen to anyone.Moreover, when she hurt Duguqiong's hands, she didn't do it too hard. As long as she takes good care of it for a while, Duguqiong's hands can be restored to their original state.At that time, she can ask Duguqiong to heal Xin Moge's eyes on the surface because he was angry with Fengyu for hurting him, but after her repeated pleading, Duguqiong finally agreed to heal him. I owe her a big favor, between them...

"Zhuo Yizi, did you hear what I said? Is your conscience really offended?"

Zhuo Yizi came to his senses in an instant, with nothing but resentment in his heart, and he said without changing his words: "Feng Yu, you are the one who inflicted the poison. This is an iron fact. You are deliberately saying these things now. What do you want? You want to set the blame on me." Give it to me? Well, well, whatever you want, anyway, now you are a knife and I am a fish, you are amazing, and I am not as skilled as others. But, you better have the ability to find the antidote from me, and act more comprehensively. "

"You..." Feng Yu didn't expect Zhuo Yizi to be so persistent, and she still refuses to admit it.

"There is another sentence, Feng Yu, if you have the ability, you can kill me directly. However, if I die, how will you explain to Senior Dugu? I wonder if he will teach you medical skills?" Zhuo Yizi had nothing to worry about about the relationship between her deceased mother and Duguqiong, and she was certain that Feng Yu would never let her die.

"Since this is the case, it seems that there is nothing to talk about between us." Feng Yu didn't want to continue talking with Zhuo Yizi, because judging from the current situation, it would be useless to continue talking, so she clicked again. touched Zhuo Yizi's dumb acupoint, turned around and went out alone.

Zhuo Yizi looked at Feng Yu's back when she went out, her resentment was hard to dissipate, and she secretly made a note of this in her heart, she would never just let it go.


Under the eaves outside the door, Xin Moge stood with his back to the door and his hands behind his back.

Feng Yu walked over from behind and said directly: "Thank you for trusting me. The poison on Master's body can be cured by another method besides the medicine, but it needs to be treated with a blind name 'Xi'. The herbal medicine of Kucao is medicine. This kind of herb can only be found in the frontier, and it must be used immediately after picking it. Master will go to the border right away, the sooner the poison on Master's body can be cured, the better."

Xin Moge heard the words...

A man in black from outside came in a hurry at this moment.

"Young master, the master told you to go back immediately."

"What's the matter?" Xin Moge asked.

"My lord didn't say anything, but just asked you to go back immediately." The man in black said with the same tone.

Feng Yu was a little taken aback, who is the "Master"?

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