After that, after waiting for a while, after the clean clothes and silk were brought over, and a fire was lit in the room, Feng Yu asked everyone except Su Ke to go out and closed the door of the room , and then asked Su Ke to change Su Ran into dry clothes first.

Su Ke nodded, and quickly changed clothes for Su Ran.

Su Ran's hands were clasped together, holding something tightly, and would not let go of it.

After Su Ke struggled for a while, she finally broke Su Ran's hands, changed her clothes, and then helped Su Ran lie down on the simple wooden bed, and covered Su Ran tightly with a quilt.

Feng Yu noticed that when Su Ke separated Su Ran's hands, a silver frog jumped out of Su Ran's hands.

Feng Yu was taken aback, was Su Ran looking for this thing?The next moment, Feng Yu walked over quickly, sat down on the edge of the bed, felt Su Ran's pulse, and wanted to see Su Ran's specific situation.

"My lord, is my lady alright?" Su Ke asked anxiously as she stood aside and watched.

"Fortunately, she was rescued in time, and her life is not in danger now. After taking the medicine, she only needs to rest for a day or two, and she will wake up. You should dry her long hair first. She is lying with such long hair wet , Not good." Feng Yu said calmly after taking the pulse.

Su Ke suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "My lord, thank you."

"You don't need to thank her again and again, just wipe her hair, I'll go out first, and let someone decoct the medicine." Feng Yu got up and left.

In the afternoon, Su Ran woke up, and the first thing she did when she woke up was to ask Su Ke if she saw the silver frog.She remembered that she had already caught the silver frog before she fell into a coma.

Su Ke pointed to the corner, where the silver frog had been squatting there. She was always worried about Su Ran's body, so she ignored it.

Su Ran looked over, then sat up suddenly, and lifted the quilt on her body to walk over to have a look.

Su Ke quickly stopped her and pushed Su Ran down, "Miss, you really don't want your life. Your body can't suffer from the cold anymore. If you want to see that silver frog, I'll catch it."

"You...cough cough...grab it right away and let me have a look." Su Ran nodded and said, ignoring everything else.

Su Ke nodded, and quickly grabbed the silver frog squatting motionless in the corner, feeling more and more worthless for Su Ran in her heart. Everything she did was for that person, and she paid so much for that person. Much, but the man never knew.

When Fengyu knocked on the door and pushed the door open, she saw such a scene. It was not difficult to see that Su Ran really cared about the silver frog.

Seeing Feng Yu coming in, Su Ke quickly said to Su Ran: "Miss, thanks to Mr. Feng's rescue this time, you are fine. Both Mr. Feng and Mr. Yu sent a lot of people to look for you in the mountains last night, okay?" It was easy to find you. By the way, Mr. Feng's medical skills are very good."

When Su Ran heard this, she felt a little joy in her heart, but then she found that the silver frog that Su Ke put in her hand was obviously about to die, and her heart sank suddenly.

Feng Yu walked over non-stop, and smiled faintly at Su Ke's words, but she really did nothing, and said to Su Ran who was on the wooden bed: "Miss Su, I came here to feel your pulse again."

"Can you save this silver frog?"

Su Ran didn't listen to what Feng Yu said, and opened her mouth to ask Feng Yu.

In her eyes, the silver frog in her hand seemed to be more important than her own body.

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