"Prince?" Feng Yu was astonished, she never thought that the person Su Ran wanted her to heal would be him.

Su Ran nodded, indicating that Feng Yu heard correctly.

Feng Yu frowned slightly, it became more and more difficult to answer Su Ran for a while.

After a while, Feng Yu stretched out her hand without saying a word, and went to help Su Ran who was kneeling, wanting to help Su Ran up first before speaking.

In the current situation, Cang Yueli and Cang Jingtian have broken off, and Cang Yueli's ambition to seize the throne has been clearly revealed, and he is already very powerful in the court, and now he has won the favor of all the vassal kings in one fell swoop. Support, the relationship with Cang Jingtian will only become more and more incompatible.According to what Yu Yun said yesterday, Feng Yufeng did not want to resign from office and go back to hiding. Feng Yufeng stood on the side of Cang Jingtian. If she went to treat Cang Yueli, once the news spread, it would be very unfavorable to Feng Yufeng .

"Girl, I don't know what scruples you have? Why don't you agree?"

Su Ran couldn't help it, and from Feng Yu's obviously embarrassed expression, she had vaguely seen something, and asked while pushing Feng Yu's hand away.

"You don't want Cang Yueli to know that you asked me to heal him, and you don't want anyone to know about it. It's because of the opposing identities of the two of you." At this moment, Feng Yu has naturally Knowing Su Ran's identity clearly, she is the daughter of Su Hu, the minister of the court. Su Hu has always been on the side of Cang Jingtian, and has always been at odds with the crown prince Cang Yueli, and now he can even use the word hostile To describe and summarize, and she is not the same, "Your father supports the emperor's side, and I am the same. Others, I am inconvenient to say."

Su Ran was stunned for a moment, and blurted out: "You are also the daughter of a minister in the court? Your father also..."

Feng Yu nodded and remained silent.

Su Ran didn't expect Feng Yu to have a similar identity to her.Who is she?She also knew a little about the various ministers in the court, and she had never heard of anyone whose daughter could be good at medicine, and even made friends with Yu Yun.By the way, Su Ke seemed to have said the word "Mr. Feng" to her just now. Her surname is "Feng"?It seems that the only person with the surname "Feng" in the court is Feng Yufeng, a senior scholar. Could it be that she is...

Suddenly thinking of Fengyu's possible identity, Su Ran looked at Fengyu in front of her again.

Feng Yu said calmly as before: "I think, you should have guessed my identity, then you should understand my difficulties. Sorry, I can't help..."

"What if you go in disguise?" Su Ran had a thought in his mind, and quickly made up his mind, and interrupted Feng Yu, "If you go in disguise, no one will know your identity, and I will never Will say it, just like you wouldn't say I asked you to go."


"Girl, to tell you the truth, I've been to 'Shenlu Mountain' more than once, but I couldn't get in, I couldn't invite Qin Hua, and I couldn't invite Mr. Yu to invite Qin Hua. Exposure. Right now, the silver frog I caught with great difficulty can no longer live for three days, and it is not easy to catch another one. I... I have no time, so I beg you so abruptly and resolutely. Be sure to promise me." This was almost the first time Su Ran begged like this in his life.

Feng Yu pondered, considered.

Su Ran knelt still, nervously waiting for Feng Yu's final decision.

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