Xin Moge's inner strength is deep, and he has already noticed the sound outside the Zizhu Forest early in the morning, and he has sensed that someone is approaching.The reason why he didn't act immediately was because no matter who the person coming outside would be, he would be a dead person later on, and dead people would not leak secrets.

Feng Yu outside the purple bamboo forest unconsciously held her breath, secretly guessing the relationship between Xin Moge and Cang Yueli, guessing Xin Moge's position.

Cang Yueli didn't notice anything, and turned his back to Xin Moge and said, "I have made a list these days, and I hope you will clean up the people on the list within ten days, without leaving any of them behind." .”

After finishing speaking, Cang Yueli swung his hand back and shot the list at Xin Moge.

Xin Moge stood still, caught it with his backhand, and said in an unchanging tone: "Don't worry, within ten days, I will clean it up for you."

Since he answered the words of the person behind him so clearly, Cang Yueli believed it very much, because they were not cooperating this time anymore.His power, he Cang Yueli has a deep experience.Cang Yueli immediately said: "As long as you wholeheartedly help me ascend to the throne of God, I will definitely not treat you badly."

"Don't worry." Xin Moge spat out two words lightly and replied.

Cang Yueli nodded, there was nothing to say, and he left without looking back at Xin Moge behind him from the beginning to the end. This has always been the "rule" between them.The last time he was at Wulipo outside the capital, he tried to see clearly the appearance of the people behind him, and after he was almost injured by him, Cang Yueli strictly followed the rules.

Feng Yu, who had been watching all this outside the purple bamboo forest, saw Cang Yueli walking away from the opposite side, so she wondered if she should go out.

"Everyone, looks good?" A sneering voice came from the Purple Bamboo Forest at this moment.

Feng Yu was startled, Xin Moge had already discovered them?

Those Xin Moge's people also recognized Xin Moge, and immediately stepped forward, knelt down on one knee and said: "Young master!"

Xin Moge was slightly startled, then turned around abruptly, and "looked" in the direction where Feng Yu was, never expecting that the person coming outside would be Feng Yu.She saw and heard everything just now?

Several people knelt down, and did not dare to get up immediately without Xin Moge's order.

Xin Moge ignored the kneeling people, walked towards Feng Yu's direction, and walked up to Feng Yu.

The moon was sparse, Feng Yu looked at Xin Moge walking out of the purple bamboo forest all the way through the bright moonlight, and said bluntly: "You and the prince have known each other for a long time?"

"You actually want to ask, have I cooperated with him for a long time? You want to ask, when I persuaded you to persuade Feng Yufeng to resign and go back to hiding, is there a large part of the reason for this?" Xin Moge Dao, his tone remained unchanged.

Feng Yu pursed her lips.Yes, she wanted to ask him, asked him if he had cooperated with Cang Yueli a long time ago, asked him why he didn't tell her anything, if she didn't see it by accident tonight, would he still plan to keep it a secret? with her?At the end of the day, all the questions I wanted to ask were combined into one sentence, and Feng Yu said expressionlessly: "Do you want to help the crown prince ascend the throne?"

"When he ascends the throne, he is powerful to the vassal kings everywhere. After he ascends the throne, he will not cut down the vassals, at least for ten years, because he does not have the ability yet."

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