Feng Yu paused slightly, looked at Feng Wan, and waited for Feng Wan to speak clearly.

Feng Wan gritted her teeth, with an obviously forced expression, and said bluntly: "The reason my father asked me to do this matter, I can't let you go, and I can't let you know, is because my father doesn't believe you."

"Really? If you think this is the case, I will believe it?" Feng Yu frowned and sneered.

Feng Wan sneered, "If you listen to what I have to say, you will know whether you will believe it or not. In the current situation, it is well known that the prince has the intention to seek the throne and usurp the throne. You know. All the vassal kings from all over the country were pulled over by the prince, and they all stood by the prince, including King Xin, while his father was on the side of the emperor. You are with Prince Xin, talk about it yourself, you What is your position with your father?"

Feng Yu didn't speak.

Feng Wan continued: "Father has a list of officials in his hand, which must be handed over to the emperor as soon as possible. Presumably the prince did not know where this matter came from, so he sent assassins to assassinate father. Father, he will hide the list now. You told me where you are, let me go back immediately, take it out and give it to the emperor, you believe it now. With your current status, do you think you are suitable to know about this matter? Are you suitable to do this matter? Do you think father Should I thank you?"

Feng Yu still didn't speak.

Feng Wan looked at it, and took a step closer to Feng Yu, "Sister, if you really care about your father, and you are still his good daughter, you should leave that Crown Prince Xin immediately, or persuade that Crown Prince Xin to submit to the Emperor."

"Sister, now, can you let me go back?"

"If you don't do this well, if you can't hand over the list in your father's hand to the emperor, your father will say 'he will die with peace'." Sentence by sentence, Feng Wan looked at Feng Yu without changing her expression, just like that .

Feng Yu pursed her lips, she is indeed in a different position from Feng Yufeng now, it is normal for Feng Yufeng not to believe her.

And this is not the result Feng Yu wants, Feng Yu has always hoped that Feng Yufeng can resign from office and go back to hiding. After all, he is already at this age, and he doesn't want Feng Yufeng to have trouble in his later years.

Seeing that Feng Yu was still unresponsive, Feng Wan glanced sideways at Feng Yufeng on the bed, turned around and walked out again, and said as she walked, "You won't stop me now, will you? This matter must be left to me." Do it yourself, father, he only trusts me."

The people guarding the door all heard the conversation inside the house, and looked at Feng Yu with some embarrassment for a while, not knowing whether to continue to block or let her go.

"Let her go, the two of you escort her back to the capital together, let her hand over the list to the emperor, and then bring her back, don't let anyone find out where she is." Feng Yu suddenly turned around and said to the door.Although she is on Xin Moge's side and won't change, since that list is so important to Feng Yufeng, she can't do anything, especially when Feng Yufeng is still dying.

The guards outside the door took orders and sent Feng Wan away immediately.


After leaving the villa, on the small road, Feng Wan suddenly excused herself from feeling unwell and wanted to go to the jungle for convenience.

There is a difference between men and women, Feng Wan is also Miss Qianjin and Feng Yu's younger sister, so the two escorting Feng Wan are naturally not easy to follow, they wait in place and tell Feng Wan to go back quickly.

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