Feng Yu sat down again, looked at Feng Yufeng suspiciously, "Father, what do you want to say?"

"First... help me up first." Feng Yufeng made a gesture to stand up, but just as he moved, he fell back feebly, unable to raise his strength.

Feng Yu stretched out her hand to stop her, pressed Feng Yufeng's shoulder and said: "Father, what's the matter, it's the same as saying, you don't have to get up."

"No... no, I want to sit for my father... sit up and talk." Feng Yufeng insisted.

Seeing that Feng Yufeng had to sit up, Feng Yu seemed to have something very important to do, so she could only stretch out her hand to help Feng Yufeng up, and then put a pillow on Feng Yufeng's back, so that Feng Yufeng could lean on it, "Father, what's the matter?"

"You tell Weifu, are you with... and Crown Prince Xin?" Feng Yufeng asked seriously.

"Father, didn't my daughter tell you clearly about this when she wrote to you before?" Feng Yu was stunned for a moment, she remembered that she had already said it clearly in the letter.

"Letter?" Feng Yufeng frowned, "In the letter, you didn't mention this at all."

"How come, my daughter has made it very clear in the letter, could it be..." Feng Yu suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, there was something wrong with the letter.

Feng Yufeng also vaguely realized that there might be something wrong with the letter, because he could read the letter very clearly. Feng Yu only mentioned that she was fine, so he didn't have to worry about it, and that she would go back to see him when she had time. Did not say.Could it be that Feng Wan changed the letter?That day, he hurried out without having time to read the letter, and Feng Wan happened to come to the study at that time.If it was really Feng Wan who changed it, would it be related to what happened to him before?

"Father, did you think of something?" Feng Yu saw Feng Yufeng's expression completely in her eyes, and keenly discovered something.

Feng Yufeng hasn't figured out the situation yet. This matter has something to do with Feng Wan. I'm afraid that there will be some misunderstanding if I say it rashly. No matter what, Feng Wan is also his biological daughter. Although he has favored Feng Yu since he was a child, he has a lot of love for Feng Yu. Wan was also in love, and kept it a secret: "It's nothing, I just suddenly thought of something else. You just said that Wan'er will come back in two days, how many days are in two days?"

"Well, my daughter can't say for sure now, father, you need to take care of your health first."

Feng Yufeng nodded, and after a moment of silence, he turned around and said, "Yu'er, you are with the Crown Prince Xin, but you are the emperor's adopted daughter, Princess Huayu, who has already married the emperor? You..."

"Father, listen to me about this matter. Back then..." Feng Yu recounted the process of becoming Princess Huayu in detail.

After Feng Yufeng heard this, he looked at Fengyu in disbelief, "You mean..."

Feng Yu nodded.

Feng Yufeng closed his eyes, "My father doesn't know anything about it."

"Father, it's my daughter's fault. She didn't tell you in advance. She didn't expect things to turn out like this."

"Then what do you want to do now? Although my father was not present at the time, but my father knew very well that the Queen Mother first brought together Xin Wang and Xin Shizi to reconcile their father and son, and then married you to him. They want you to win over Prince Xin, take the position of King Xin, and then return to the court and agree to cut down the vassal. Now, King Xin is clearly on the side of the prince, and Prince Xin is willing to stand on the side of the emperor and the queen mother. side?"

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