After a while, after hiding the flowers, looking for color, getting everything done, and making sure that nothing will happen, Feng Yu opened the door and went out.

"Guest officer, are you going out now? Do you want to clean the room?" On the corridor, the waiter who was coming out of a room saw Feng Yu going out, and immediately stepped forward and asked enthusiastically.

"No, my room is not dirty and doesn't need to be cleaned. Besides, when I'm not around, I don't like people coming in casually, and I don't like people messing with my things." Feng Yu didn't want anyone to find the flowers hidden under the bed in the room. Seek color.In this strange world, she has just arrived, and now she has nothing, no martial arts, no influence, no connections, no acquaintances, no money or property, if she can successfully use Hua Xunse for her own use, it would be a good way.

As Feng Yu said, she handed the waiter a small amount of money.

"Okay." The shopkeeper immediately took the money with a smile, thinking that Feng Yu didn't want people to enter her room because she was worried that the valuables in the room would be lost or stolen.

After Fengyu took the money from the waiter and heard the answer from the waiter, she passed the waiter and turned and went downstairs.

On the street, there are more and more small stalls and hawkers, and more and more pedestrians.


A group of guards rode past in a hurry, stopped at a place where a notice was posted in front, and quickly posted a notice.

There are places where government notices are fixed on the streets.The people on the street watched, curious in their hearts, and wanted to know what happened, so they immediately gathered around to watch.

After a while, the voices of whispering and discussing sounded, and someone read: "The emperor decreed that the son of Prince Xin's mansion——Xin Moge, be beheaded in three days."

"I heard that King Xin came yesterday afternoon. Not only did he not say anything to intercede, but he wanted to sever the father-son relationship with Xin Moge."

"I heard that after the queen mother found out about this, she specially announced King Xin. King Xin left early this morning, and she did not change her mind."

"This son of Prince Xin's Mansion really deserves it. He called it 'self-inflicted'."

"It's not 嚒, if it were me..."


Standing behind the crowd, Feng Yu listened to all the people's arguments, and was inevitably shocked in her heart. She never expected that Xin Haoyan would be so ruthless!

Now what?The notices have already been posted, and Xin Haoyan has already gone back. Could it be that he can only watch Xin Moge be beheaded three days later?But what else could she do?She is alone, even if she has the heart to save others, what can she do?How to save?

But she didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of her, how could he bear it?

Thinking of this, the scenes of that night flashed through her mind unconsciously, Feng Yu blushed slightly, and turned to leave.

After discussing with each other for a while, the people shook their heads and left with a sigh.

After Feng Yu turned around and left, she walked slowly alone, trying to think about what else to do.Step by step, he unknowingly walked to the front of Feng Mansion.

There is still a white silk hanging in front of the Fengfu gate, and the white silk is fluttering in the cold wind.Feng Yu stood still and looked forward, Feng Yufeng was a first-rank university scholar, and now no one interceded for Xin Moge, if Feng Yufeng could be persuaded to speak out, would there be a glimmer of life?Except for Feng Yufeng, Feng Yu couldn't think of anyone else, and how could anyone else persuade Xin Moge to save Xin Moge by her own strength.

The closed gate of Feng Mansion suddenly opened at this moment.

Dressed in plain clothes, Feng Wan came out of the mansion with her maid...

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