Cang Yueli took the prescription from Feng Yu's hand, squinted his eyes and looked at Feng Yu again, "You are the one who came to the Summer Resort that morning, brought the silver frog, and said that you would cure Wushisan for me?" When saying these words, Cang Yueli used an almost affirmative tone.Previously, she hadn't connected Fengyu in front of her with that person that day, but as soon as she wrote the prescription, and as soon as she said Wushisan, the two figures overlapped at once, and Cang Yueli believed that she would never admit her mistake.

Feng Yu was silent, neither admitted nor denied.

"Why save me?"

Cang Yueli couldn't ask about the relationship between Feng Yu and that person, so Cang Yueli stopped wasting time on this question, but when Feng Yu rescued him, Cang Yueli really wanted to know the reason.Before that, he and Feng Yu had almost never had any contact, let alone any friendship. She saved him like this, and among them...

"It's just entrusted by others. Prince, you can rest assured that this medicine is indeed suppressing the five stone powder on your body. It is no longer suitable to delay the five stone powder on your body. I am not going to deal with my father's account right now. You count, but remember, there will never be a next time. Well, you can get off the car when you are outside the city." Feng Yu replied indifferently, when she said the words "no next time", the air in the car It condensed suddenly, but soon the shattered thin ice shattered, leaving no trace.

Cang Yueli clearly felt the change in the air at that moment, but looking back at the expression on Feng Yu's face, Cang Yueli felt in a trance that it should be his own illusion, and only belatedly realized that the carriage had passed away after Feng Yu's words. Stopped.

Cang Yueli raised a corner of the car curtain slightly, looked outside, and indeed she was outside the city.

The next moment, Cang Yueli put down the curtain of the car without saying a word, sat for a while without saying a word, got up and got out of the car and left.

"Car driver, let's go." Feng Yu directly ordered the driver outside after Cang Yueli got off the car.

The coachman nodded, and drove the carriage away all the way.

Cang Yueli stood where he was, and the next prescription in his hand had already been put into his sleeve.

After a while, Cang Yueli turned and went back to the city.Cang Jingtian imprisoned Cang Yueyu in public. During these three days, there is no room for any surprises. You must see Cang Yueyu being sent to the imperial mausoleum with your own eyes to be at ease.And once Cang Yueyu went in, it would not be so easy to get out from that place.The most important thing now is to immediately order people to spread the incident that happened today secretly as soon as possible, and it is best to make it known to everyone.

At that time, the more people know, the harder it will be for Cang Jingtian to go back on his word, and the more certain things will be.

With Cang Yueli around, Feng Yu was very relieved about Cang Yueyu's matter, and was not worried about accidents.Now, what she wants to do most is to restore Xin Moge's eyesight as soon as possible.Judging from the situation these days, Xin Moge's eyes have recovered very well.Thinking of this, Feng Yu couldn't help but get up impatiently, and couldn't help urging the driver outside, "Hurry up."

"Yes." The coachman nodded and immediately drove the carriage faster.

A carriage quickly caught up from behind, and the person sitting in the carriage was none other than Xin Moge.

When the carriage behind caught up, the driver recognized the driver of the carriage at a glance, so he hastily reined in his horse and stopped.

To Feng Yu's surprise, just as she was wondering why the carriage stopped suddenly, she saw Xin Moge, who was dressed in white, lift the curtain and walk in.

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