Feng Yu vaguely saw a man and a woman "chatting and tugging" over there.

Since the other party's location was somewhat dim, and the man blocked it, Feng Yu couldn't see clearly, so she didn't care much, and continued walking forward.

After Feng Wan made sure that Feng Yu and Xin Moge had left, she belatedly noticed that Second Young Master Wu was stiff, and hurriedly withdrew from Second Young Master Wu's arms, apologizing, "Just now, I'm really sorry, I didn't 'stand firm' .”

Second Young Master Wu reacted quickly, without any suspicion, he said reluctantly: "You really have to leave? Can't you stay?"

Feng Wan didn't answer immediately, but after her eyes flickered, she asked with confusion and curiosity: "Just now, who did the Great Castle Master and the Second Castle Master meet in the hall? The Great Castle Master and the Second Castle Master will meet in person?"

Feng Wan wanted to know why Feng Yu and Xin Moge came here, and what was their relationship with this Wujiabao, so she quietly asked Second Young Master Wu.

"Well, I'm not very clear about this. They should be friends of my father and uncle. They came to see the man who came here to recuperate a few days ago." Wu Zhuoxi, the second son of Wu, replied.

Feng Wan was forced to stay in Wujiabao by Wu Zhuoxi. She knew about the fact that "a wounded person came to Wujiabao a few days ago", but she didn't care much about it.And the person who came here to recuperate has been staying in an independent courtyard, and has never even stepped out of the door. Feng Wan has never seen him, and has no idea of ​​the other party's identity.

At this moment, hearing what Wu Zhuoxi said, Feng Wan suddenly thought of someone, could it be Feng Yufeng?Feng Yufeng came here to recuperate?

"Do you know the person who came here to recuperate, who is he, and what is his name?"

"Father and uncle didn't say anything, and no one is allowed to ask more." Wu Zhuoxi shook his head, still not knowing, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"No...it's nothing, I'm just curious for a while." Feng Wan hurriedly turned her head to avoid Wu Zhuoxi's gaze, not wanting Wu Zhuoxi to see her strangeness.

That day, when she woke up in a daze, the first person she saw was the little boy next to Mr. Wu. Later, Mr. Wu came and asked her what her name was and where she lived. Notify her family.At that time, she didn't know where she was, and she didn't know the identity of the other party, and she didn't want to be found by Feng Yu and Xin Moge, so she made up a pseudonym and called herself "Xiaofeng". "Feng" is similar to "Feng", and it is also a homonym. Feng Wan is very grateful at the moment that she did not say her real name at that time, otherwise she would be exposed at this moment. She must not let Feng Yu and Xin Moge see her. Tomorrow morning You must leave immediately, and you cannot stay for a moment.

Feng Wan is actually very beautiful, not much inferior to Feng Yu, enough to make men fall in love with her.Wu Zhuoxi didn't know why he liked the woman in front of him so much. Anyway, when he saw her for the first time, he had a very special feeling. He even wanted to keep her shamelessly, and really didn't want her to leave.

Wu Zhuoxi looked at Feng Wan without blinking...

Feng Wan turned around and walked to the room she lived in for the past few days, without looking at Wu Zhuoxi again.

Wu Zhuoxi hurriedly followed, and continued softly: "You really have to go? Isn't it good to stay here? Don't go..."

Feng Wan ignored Wu Zhuoxi and almost walked faster and faster.

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