When Feng Yu changed into men's clothes and went downstairs, it was already completely dark outside, and the street was extremely lively.

Feng Yu blended into it, and stopped in front of a small stall after a while.

Feng Yu was dazzled by all kinds of lanterns, and she didn't know which one to choose, as she had never seen them before.

It can be said that the sense of novelty is human nature, and Fengyu is no exception.In her original world, since her mother passed away, she has been alone. Since she was a child, she told herself that she must be strong and take care of everything by herself. Sometimes she was really tired and tired.Now, there is a man who dotes on her so much and treats her well. This feeling is unprecedented. Feng Yu likes and is very satisfied. It seems that she looks a lot younger all of a sudden, although Feng Yu's real age is only in her 20s.

Xin Moge's people changed their clothes and pretended to be servants, and followed Feng Yu closely, protecting Feng Yu at all times, and not allowing anyone to get too close to Feng Yu.

In another restaurant on the street, in an elegant room on the second floor, two young men sat facing each other drinking.

"Brother Li, are you really not going back to Prince Xin's Mansion?"

"My father sent you here?" The person called "Brother Li" was none other than Xin Huanli who Xie Wanting and Xin Haoyan had been sending people to look for these two days.

As Xin Huanli said, his eyes fell on the bustling streets outside the window, watching casually, and he had no plans to go back to Prince Xin's Mansion, at least not for the time being.That place has always made him feel depressed, never relaxed.

Suddenly, Xin Huanli saw a somewhat familiar figure with sharp eyes, it was "he"!

Xin Huanli immediately put down the glass of wine in his hand, and almost without thinking about it, he went out of the window and went straight to the person he saw.

In the blink of an eye, the person he saw was no longer in the same place. With pedestrians coming and going, Xin Huanli looked around quickly. He believed in his eyes and believed that he was right.

After Fengyu bought the lantern, she left the stall, not paying attention to Xin Huanli at all, nor did she think that Xin Huanli still remembered her.

By the lakeside of Anxiang City, Fengyu stopped.

I saw many people putting up lanterns by the lake, talking and laughing.

A group of black-clothed and masked people suddenly descended from the sky at this moment and surrounded Feng Yu.

Feng Yu narrowed her eyes slightly, and glanced at the man in black who appeared.Judging by their posture, it was obvious that they were coming for her.And from the looks of it, they shouldn't be from Cang Jingtian.If it was someone from Cang Jingtian, after finding her, they should choose to continue spying on her.

Those who were protecting Feng Yu by Feng Yu's side immediately surrounded Feng Yu, and one of them quickly went to report to Xin Moge.

Seeing that someone was going to report to Xin Moge, the man in black immediately shot without saying a word. Two of them flew to stop the person who was going to report to Xin Moge, and killed and cut off the person who was going to report to Xin Moge arm.

The bloody arm flew out all of a sudden and fell into the crowd.

The people around didn't know what happened at first, but they were so frightened that they immediately fled in all directions, screaming in surprise.

The small stalls on both sides of the street were quickly knocked down, and the lanterns that fell on the ground suddenly burst into flames, and the fire quickly became smaller and bigger.

In an instant, the streets were in chaos, crowded with people, people trampled on people, and flames shot up into the sky.

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