...You can even clearly see the two lumps of softness protruding from Fengyu's chest under the junction of the water surface.

The red petals floating on the surface of the pool rippling away with the continuous waves of water.

Xin Moge really "knows how to measure" as he said in his words, he didn't make any further moves except kissing, and the stiffness under Feng Yu's legs didn't advance a single point.

Time passed quietly, and two obviously rapid breathing sounds clearly echoed in the quiet room.

After a long time, the little "lingering" ended, Xin Moge hugged Feng Yu, stepped into the bathing pool, pulled the coat from the screen, put it on Feng Yu, and walked to the bed.

The water stains on Fengyu's body were sucked dry by the robe in an instant, and the bare feet were still dripping intermittently, so she was placed on the bed by Xin Moge, and then the clothes on her body were taken away, and she was naked by Xin Moge. Tucked into the bedding.

Xin Moge turned around to wipe off the water stains on his body, then lay down on the bed, and pulled Feng Yu into his arms.

Feng Yu's complexion was flushed, and there was an unusual layer of red all over her body, and she didn't know if it was from soaking in hot water for a long time, or because of the little "lingering" just now.He was really not used to sleeping naked like this in his heart, and being held in his arms by Xin Moge like this, he wanted Xin Moge to get up and fetch her underwear and panties that were hanging on the screen.

But before Feng Yu could speak, Xin Moge's hand touched Feng Yu's naked body again.

Fengyu took a tight breath, and quickly put both hands on the hand that Xin Moge was stroking.

Xin Moge leaned over to press Feng Yu, of course he controlled his strength very well, and he would not press the child in Feng Yu's womb, he held Feng Yu's hands that were holding down his hands with his backhand, and then pressed Feng Yu's hands tightly On Fengyu's left chest, he said in Fengyu's ear: "Remember, you are mine. This person, this heart, can only belong to me. Otherwise..." Xin Moge didn't go on saying the following words, Domineering, powerful and domineering, extremely possessive.

Under the light, I saw that Fengyu's neck and collarbone exposed to the air were covered with spots and marks of different shades.

Feng Yu couldn't see the expression on Xin Moge's face, but suddenly felt a gust of warm wind blowing in her ears, she couldn't help shivering slightly, who said that only women are stingy, men are definitely more generous than women sometimes More stingy.Could it be that he has no confidence in himself?There is indeed nothing between her and Xin Huanli. She stayed by Xin Huanli's bedside and took care of Xin Huanli for half a month. It was all because of Xin Huanli's body. During this period, apart from guilt, Does he really mind that she only thinks of herself as a doctor?Besides, she had explained it so clearly to him before.

However, think about it differently, if the injured person today was a woman, and Xin Moge took care of her like this, no matter how Xin Moge explained to her, she would still feel uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Feng Yu suddenly couldn't help but wanted to laugh, and suddenly put her arms around Xin Moge's neck, and kissed Xin Moge's side face forcefully.

Xin Moge's eyes dimmed suddenly, he raised his head, and raised Feng Yu's jaw.

Feng Yu pursed her lips and met Xin Moge's eyes.

Xin Moge watched, his eyes dimmed, and he lowered his head and kissed Fengyu's lips, and at the same time, he couldn't help stroking Fengyu's body with his hands.

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