Spoiling His Wife Too Much: The Miraculous Doctor, Princess Concubine

Chapter 583 The Running-in Between Husband and Wife 8

"Ya'er, that mother should go back first, you stay in the palace to accompany Madam well, and you must be obedient."

"Mother, Ya'er knows, don't worry."

In the last two sentences of the dialogue, the voice was released, obviously intended to be heard by the servants and maidservants around.After finishing speaking, Gao Shi left.

Xie Wanting stood there until she could no longer see Gao's figure, then reluctantly turned around and walked back, completely showing a "very reluctant" expression, which was completely opposite to her inner desire to stay.

"Miss Gao, Madam asked the maid to take Miss Gao for a stroll around the mansion."

"Well, you should lead the way." Gao Pingya nodded, and walked forward behind the maidservant.In fact, Gao Pingya was not the first time to come to Prince Xin's Mansion, Gao brought her here when she was very young, but she was still young at that time, even if she tries hard to recall now, she has no memory of it.

"Miss Gao, that's the prince's study over there."


"Miss Gao, there are two forked roads ahead. To the right is the courtyard of our wife who just came out. To the left is the bamboo garden."

"Bamboo Garden? Is that where the Crown Prince lives?" Gao Pingya asked casually in a very casual tone.In the conversation and inquiry in Wanting Garden not long ago, I heard Xie Wanting say that Xin Moge's eyes had recovered, and he didn't have a good relationship with "Princess Huayu" who married a few months ago.Now that Princess Huayu is pregnant, both she and Xin Haoyan intend to find a concubine for Xin Moge.Of course, if the concubine gave birth to an heir for the Xin family, her status would naturally rise.

In fact, Xin Haoyan had never said such a thing. Xie Wanting dared to open her eyes and speak nonsense. Of course, she was sure that this matter would not be exposed, and no one would deliberately ask Xin Haoyan about this.

The servant girl nodded, "Yes, the Bamboo Garden is where the crown prince lives. However, the crown prince never likes to be disturbed. Unless there is something to do, the servants and servants seldom go there. In addition, there are maids who married the princess in the bamboo garden. I rarely need servants to do it." During the process of speaking, the maid had brought Gao Pingya to the outside of the bamboo garden unknowingly.

Gao Pingya looked up, only to see green bamboos growing inside the wall, and a stone brick path all the way to the inside.

"Miss Gao, this is the bamboo garden."

"I also like bamboo very much. The bamboo here grows really well, even better than those in the deep mountains." Gao Pingya couldn't help sighing immediately, showing a look on his face that he wanted to go in and have a look.

The maid saw Gao Pingya's expression and said nothing.

Gao Pingya stood for a while, but no one came out from the inside, it was obviously not good to rush in, so he could only leave first.

The maid then took Gao Pingya to visit other places in the palace, and finally took Gao Pingya to the guest room in the "Xiangting".

"Miss Gao, do you want to take a rest first? The servant is going to make tea."

"Well, you go."

Gao Pingya nodded, always looking approachable, without any pretensions.

After the maid retreated, Gao Pingya began to directly look at the room she was in at the moment.Worthy of being a royal mansion, just such a courtyard for keeping people is worth half of their high mansion, and the furnishings in the rooms are also many times better than their high mansion, one can imagine what the main courtyard is like of.Judging from Xie Wanting's main words and posture today, she must have wanted to push her to Xin Moge.

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