Fengyu felt a little strange in her heart, why didn't the person she arranged didn't show up?

However, now is not the time to think about these things, nor is it the time to wait in the stone prison for the arrival of the person he arranged.Feng Yu quickly caught the key thrown by Yu Yun, followed Yu Yun's footsteps and walked out of the stone prison, then turned around and locked the iron door with the key to prevent anyone from discovering it immediately.

In the underground dungeon, there are secret passages made of stones. Those stones are not completely locked, and can be flexibly rotated according to various set mechanisms.

Hidden in the dark, a group of shadow guards secretly guarding the dark prison, the head of the shadow guard had already ordered the shadow guard who delivered food, and when he took the key from the shadow guard to open the iron door, he had already turned on the iron door. The traps of the stones and the various secret passages under the ground turn and turn in an instant, forming a brand new dungeon and a series of brand new secret passages. It’s fine for the two of you to be stuck here, and I’ll report to the emperor.”


Cang Jingtian deliberately locked Fengyu here, and the people who wanted to attract were Xin Moge and Xin Haoyan, especially Xin Moge, who wanted to catch a turtle in a urn, and when he left, he also deliberately confessed to the shadow guard.

The shadow guard didn't expect that the person who came was not Xin Moge, but Yu Yun, so of course he didn't dare to act rashly.

A dark prison where nothing can be found out, of course it should not be underestimated!The reason why Yu Yun didn't wear nocturnal clothes and didn't cover his face was also out of this consideration. After all, his identity is here, coupled with the relationship between Yu Jia and Murong Ji, it is expected that people in the dark prison will see He will definitely have scruples in the future, and will never kill him, so he can protect Fengyu.

while walking……

Suddenly, Yu Yun stopped, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was solemn.

Feng Yu, who was following behind, took two steps forward and stood side by side with Yu Yun, "This secret passage looks a little different from the secret passage when I came in."

"It's also a little different from the secret path when I just came here." Yu Yun replied.

"You came alone?" Feng Yu continued to ask.

"Did you see other people?" Yu Jun said, and glanced sideways at Feng Yu, still smiling at this moment.

Feng Yu didn't want to owe Yu Yun too much, it seemed that he was the one who helped her all the time, last time she went to the border, he was worried about her and came here in a hurry.This time she had just been imprisoned, and he came immediately, not hesitating to confront Murong Ji head-on.

"Do you know that this is dangerous? If Murong Ji finds out, let the Yu family know..."

"You really think a lot. It seems that you have a lot of strength, so go on, you can't just sit here and wait for death." Yu Yun interrupted Feng Yu.

Feng Yu looked at Yu Yun who continued to walk forward, looked at Yu Yun's back, he came here but deliberately did not conceal his identity, was it because he was afraid that someone hidden in the dark would kill her and hurt her?After all, if the person who came was Xin Moge, a masked man in black, the person hiding in the dark would never be merciful, and it was conceivable that he would make a move.

"Still leaving?" Yu Yun turned around after hearing no footsteps behind him.

Feng Yu hid the expression on her face in an instant and followed.

"Right now, the story of 'you ran away after you hurt Murong Ji' has been spread outside. Cang Jingtian has sent 1000 troops to besiege Anding City. In addition, he has mobilized 3000 troops to rush there..."

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