"Yes." The shadow guard took the order, and immediately checked it carefully from the beginning to the end, without missing any place, and came back in a hurry to report: "Your Majesty, your subordinate is in that remote stone room over there." Dozens of corpses were found in the prison. One of them belonged to the shadow guard. His clothes were missing, and he had been dead for a long time judging from the stiffness of his body. The rest were all black and masked. These shadow guards are the same."

Cang Jingtian did not speak.

As expected, someone killed a shadow guard beforehand, and then pretended to come in without anyone noticing.

Judging from the fact that he was able to activate the mechanism successfully and opened two deadly mechanisms in a row, he knew the secret prison very well, and he was determined to put Feng Yu and Yu Dian to death.

Who is this person?Who sent it?What is the purpose of doing this?For a moment, Cang Jingtian felt a sense of unprecedented danger. Some people knew the secret prison so well, but he didn't know it.

"Pass down the order, immediately search from door to door, even if you search the entire capital, you must find Feng Yu."

"Yes." The shadow guard cupped his hands and hurried down.After the shadow guard went down, Cang Jingtian walked to the remote stone prison mentioned by the shadow guard alone, planning to personally go and see those people who died in the same way as the shadow guard, and see if he could find anything from them.


In the middle of the night, on the streets of the capital, there were guards searching everywhere, and the gates of the city had already been sealed off.

Feng Yu, Yu Jun and Yu Mo, who escaped, saw another guard approaching in front of them, and hurriedly dodged to hide in the dark alley beside them.

"Master Yu, how do you feel now?" Feng Yu took advantage of this moment and immediately asked in a low voice.

Yu Yun shook his head, and whispered back: "It's okay, I've sealed the acupuncture points."

Yu Mo also looked at Yu Yun, and after a little silence, he said: "My lord, I'll find a way to lure those guards away, you and Miss Feng go first."

Yu Yun thought for a while, in the current situation, even if he managed to get out of the capital, he would have to avoid the guards everywhere, so it would be better to stay in the capital, the most dangerous place is often the safest place, "Alright, just think of a way Lead them away first, and Yu'er and I will find a place to hide first, and you will find them according to the signs."

"Okay." Yu Mo nodded, and quickly turned around and left the alley after speaking.

Soon, the guards outside were distracted by Yu Mo's intentional voice and Yu Mo's active appearance.

"Let's go." Feng Yu poked her head out to check after hearing the footsteps gradually going away.

Soon, Feng Yu and Yu Yun entered an abandoned courtyard.

The courtyard door was closed, and the inside was dilapidated.

"I'll check your pulse." After making sure that there was no one around and it was safe for the time being, Feng Yu quickly grabbed Yu Yun's wrist as she spoke, just to feel Yu Yun's pulse.

Judging from the pulse condition, what Yu Yun was suffering from was a highly poisonous substance called "Yu Du San".This poison is extremely domineering, and can easily enter the human body through contact. Even a person with deep inner strength cannot force it out unless an antidote is used.Fortunately, Duguqiong had mentioned it to her back then, otherwise she would have been helpless, "Just wait for me here for a while, I'll go to the clinic to get some medicine."

"It means that Mo comes back, let Yu Mo go, don't worry, I can hold on for a while." Yu Yun stopped, worried about Feng Yu going.


"Have you ever thought that that person might really be sent by Xin Moge?" Yu Yun interrupted Fengyu, changed the topic, and didn't want to continue on the issue of "grabbing medicine", and would never let Fengyu take risks alone go out.

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